воскресенье, 31 марта 2019 г.
Knowledge Management Initiatives taken by Organizations
association anxiety Initiatives taken by OrganizationsKnowledge wariness is defined as the systematic approach that invents, understands, grapples, creates and utilizes fellowship in aim to create values such as nodes value, employees value, stockholders value, descent partners value and besides social value to achieve the vision and goal of the organization.Knowledge prudence develops and operates effectual system, which realizes for right person at right time to murder smoothly and utilize their association.Q2INTRODUCTIONKnowledge management is defined as the ability of an organization to create, share and use the collective companionship of its carrefours, paradees and pile to increase workplace productivity and reduce activities that reinvent the wheel-is being go to the forefront of many corporate agendas. As firms seek to build matched advantage in increasingly competitive markets, they are turning to a previously untapped resource their employees knowledge.I n the later half of the nineties both IBM and Nortel Networks were facing significant external pressures. From 1986 to 1992, IBMs market shares dropped from 30% to 19% with each percentage point representing $3 billion in revenues. kinda than paying attention to client needs, IBM focused on its own fiscal needs and tried to reduce costs by cutting customer service staff and levels of support. In the end, customers were driven away. Thus by mid-1990s the ever-changing market environment and downsizing necessitated that IBM rethink the basic way that it serviced customers in order to reduce customer defections and increase sales. Throughout the 1980s and advance(prenominal) 1990s, IBMs primary point of contact with its customers was through business partners, the direct catalog, and the tralatitious Blue suits. Given that theses points of contact were not supporting the business strategical goals and requirements to remain competitive, an internal task force was charged with ree ngineering IBMs customer family human relationship management (CRM) process.Customer relationship management (CRM) involves attracting, development and maintaining successful customer relationships over time. At the core of CRM are the development of a schooling relationship that engages customers in a two-way collaborative dialogue that is effective and efficient for both customers and the firm. When effective, this knowledge-based process leads to a relationship that gets smarter and deeper through every(prenominal) interaction. The task force charges with addressing the business problem recognized that advanced breeding technology, the burgeoning internet, and the emerging network-centric environment presented great opportunities for reengineering IBMs CRM process and leveraging its knowledge assets. also at Nortel Networks, the Telecommunications Reform Act of 1996 produced intense competition in the telecom industry, yielding an explosion in the development of innovative telecommunications technology. The new rules of the deregulated telecommunications marketplace forced Nortel to recognize that differentiation through innovation was one of the a couple of(prenominal) strategies that might allow the company to continue to succeed. Like IBM, an internal collection was charged with the task force of addressing this strategic business goal and requirement. after preliminary research, the group discovered that the generation and existence of innovative ideas inwardly Nortel was not the issue. Rather, Nortels existing new product development (NPD) process had no formal mechanism to systematically capture, develop, and mange internally generated ideas (i.e, ideas that could be developed into product or service concepts and evaluated for reenforcement). Developing ideas and evaluating concepts is knowledge-intensive work based on the respective(prenominal) and collective expertise of the employees. The Nortel task force set out to reengineer its NPD process in order to leverage its knowledge assets.The efforts of this two organizations initiatives were guided by strategic business goals and requirements that in turn, led them to focus on business processes that were most relevant to achieve desired performance.Core business processes resembling CRM and NPD represent the fundamental link between business and knowledge workers performance. The truth for both IBM and Nortel was that their respective business requirements would be achieved through processes, and both organizations were wholly as good as their processes, which ultimately depend on the behaviors of knowledge workers. Driven by this performance reality, IBMs reengineered CRM process was intentional to enhance the customer relationship, while Nortels reengineered NPD process was designed to produce a continuous germinate of products and work. Both organizations structured their new processes be decomposing the process into knowledge-based activities, simultaneous ly identifying the unavoidable flows of data, information and knowledge between activities and knowledge workers.This analysis led to the stipulation of knowledge-base drivers (types, sources, and receivers) of each activity, decision or information flow.The reengineering of IBMs CRM and Nortels NPD process created new knowledge worker performance requirements, triggering requisite changes to individual work behaviors. Ultimately, both IBM and Nortel designed and implemented technology-based interventions to support the performance of knowledge workers. Drawing from the disciplines of Knowledge instruction and CRM, IBM developed an internet-based system called inside IBM. The system allowed customers to link directly to IBMs intranet and backend cross-functional knowledge-based resources. inwardly IBM subsequently was adopted as a corporate standard starring(p) to IBMs e-Services, as it is known today. IBMs effort facilitated a collaborative and learning relationship between IBM and its customers. This led to improved decision-making for both customer and the organizations sales and services workforce, leading too increase loyalty. IBM estimated that $525 million of incremental revenue and $50 million of productivity savings were realized over a three-year stoppage as a result of this initiative.Similarly, Nortel developed a Knowledge Management system called Virtual Mentor, which supported both the performance of knowledge workers (engineers) enmeshed in developing raw ideas into robust concepts and decision makers (managers) tasked with making funding decisions. Virtual mentor subsequently was integrated into a broader corporate time-to-market strategy that is in place today. Nortels efforts led to decreased time-to-market acceptance, and improved funding decisions. all over a three-year period, Nortels new product introduction rate increased by more than 50%.CONCLUSIONThe bottom line for IBM and Nortel was to increase profitability, sales, share and return to investment by leveraging and managing its knowledge assets. As evidenced, IBMs and Nortels Knowledge Management initiatives were guided by holistic understanding of interdependent multi-level (business, process, knowledge worker) performance goals and requirements.
Entering the Fast Food Industry
entry the Fast Food IndustryIntroduction disembowel open the glass door, feel the rush of cool air, walk in, buzz off on line, watch the backlit color photographs above the counter, place your order, helping circulate everywhere a few dollars, watch teenagers in uniforms pushing various exactly whentons, and moments subsequently take hold of a plastic tray near of victuals wrapped in colored paper and cardboard. The whole experience of defileing stead speedy nutrient has hard currency in ones chips so routine, so thoroughly unexceptional and mundane, that it is promptly taken for granted, resembling brushing your teeth or stopping for a red light.Eric Schlosser from the book Fast Food NationThe pabulum that spate al tracks eat or dont it was always set by near economical and environmental forces. And the big growth of the Egyptian turbulent provender market place occurred according to just roughly pregnant changes in the Egyptian society. unity of the main changes was the huge move intoing the women the black marketforce, which emergenced the request on some service which women usu eachy do like cooking, cleaning, and child cargon. And right away you confine see the double income of the ho usagehold which make an increase of the requested sporting pabulum. societally, these flying viands polish offs take a leakd m either a(prenominal) an(prenominal) changes within the Egyptian behavioral patterns as well. Cleanliness and pure tone allowed families to feel safe and comfort adequate to(p), permitting their children to go out on their own. A cheerful atmosphere and fun promotional items and gifts forthcoming at these gyves attracted children and the youthfuler gen eontion began to frequent them to a greater extent(prenominal) often, meeting friends and cookery parties. It gave the Egyptian youth a safe acceptable place to go to.From here was born the concept of family unit delivery, a hugely moneymaking cal ling today. Now, one brush off order virtually any consumer crossing by telephone for delivery and thousands of young pack be engaged in this sector. As consumers became frequent customers, the database developed into a very authorized asset. Promoting sales and keeping information segmentationified was a must, not to key boosting an al order-escalating matched environment.Entering the fast nourishment market open fire be done in some(prenominal)(prenominal) ways that apiece one of them differs from the other(a). in that respect are both main choices archetypal is acquiring a immunity license from an world(prenominal)-branded fast food set up, the second is to create a tender brand that is developed topically and breakawayly. Each one of them has their own advantages and disadvantages, and choosing an entrance strategy heavily regards on several pointors which provide be study in this paper. earlier choosing an entry strategy the market has to be assesse d extensively and to do so ostiarys Five Forces and the PEST (Political, Economical, Social Technological) compend models dissemble the perfect harmony in analyzing the heavily saturated and very competitive Egyptian fast food market. Office of g overnment commerce, (2006)Definition of alternativesBefore proceeding with the market analysis we view as to understand clearly what is meant by each one of the entry strategies to avoid any misunderstandingsAccording to (Treas, 1973) franchising lot be defined simply as a crease alliance between two entities the coverer (franchisor) and the license buyer ( libertye). The franchisee buys a royalty license from the franchisor to leave the permission of doing business and go-ahead fast food chains under the brand name of the franchisor. However, the franchisees are still separate and the chains are under full supervision and management by them but they have to abide to certain quality standards and regulations set by the franchi sor to help them maintain and save the brand effigy of their trade mark. (Treas.1973) (Kaufmann Dant, 2001)On the other hand, opening an breakaway ( locally branded) fast food chain is the derive opposite of franchising. Instead of buying a franchise license from a well known schematic brand, the founder decides to create a saucy novel brand enduring all of the associated make up and taking the guess of creating a modern brand figure that takes time to gain the sought later reputation.Some of the achievementful franchises in Egypt could be McDonalds, pizza pie Hut, KFC, Burger King, and Sbarro.While boffo mannequins of independent in Egypt could be posit Door, Smileys, Momen, Amo Hosny, Bon Appetite, and Prego.door guards quintet forces analysisMichael Porter in this analysis suggested a frame that fabrication influenced by five forces. These forces plenty determine the competitive intensity and thitherfore the lovelyness of a market and attractiveness means t he overall industriousness profitability.These forces fight down the micro-environment case which is much specific than the more general macro-environment one they consist of those forces limiting to a market that affect its shape and stability.(Figure 1 Porters Five forces Model)(Michael E. Porter 1980 31)Rivalry among existing competitorsThe first component of the five forces analysis focuses on the competitive contest. Competitive competitionry is one of the key areas for an industry, because in some(prenominal) cases it whitethorn determine the marketing strategies that lead be developed and implemented. The fare proponent of the Egyptian consumers is quite strong and naturally those consumers have spicy expectations. That is the reason why fast food chains constantly contend for better intersections and more attractive promotions. For instance, McDonalds was the first fast food chain in Egypt that spells toys and games with meals to trigger childrens interest and this was hugely roaring where closely of the children buy McDonalds happy meal in order to get the offered toy.Rivalry feces be found in many familiar forms much(prenominal) as advertising campaigns, determine discounting, modern- do growth introduction and service improvement. The more the degree of rivalry the more it becomes an obstructer for profitability, and the degree of rivalry is determined through the intensity of the competition and on how they compete.The intensity of rivalry is influenced by the following characteristicsLarge fleck of competitorsThe huge existing numbers of food chains makes the competition more intensified where they have to compete for the aforementioned(prenominal) customers and resources in order to gain more market share. The market includes two main categories of chains local branded fast-food chains which include (Momen, Smileys Grill, Cook Door and El-Shabrawy), and multinational branded fast-food chains such as (KFC, McDonalds, Pizz a Hut, Burger King, and many more)Slow market growthIf the market growth is inert the fast-food chains give fight more for the existing market share. On the other hand, if the market growth is fast, the fast-food chains will be able to improve revenues simply because of the expanding market. Egypt is considered the largest in both Africa and the Middle East in the fast-food service industry where it represents US $7 billion and is expected to reach US $10 billion over the next five age (Schaefer 2008 1) and due to this the fast-food market in Egypt is very fast growing.Highly perishable crosswaysFood products is considered spunkyly perishable where it urges the shareer to sometimes lower the prices and sell the product while it is still consumable, therefore it intensifies the rivalry. junior-grade chemise beWhen a consumer rout out rationalizely switch and favour from one product to some other there is a greater struggle to capture consumers and since most of the fast -food chains meals prices are virtually similar the holy terror for competitors is gamey where consumers can switch to another competitor at any time and this creates a pressure on the fast-food chains to create a competitive edge.Low takes of product differentiationThe low levels of product differentiation tends to increase the levels of rivalry thats why fast-food chains tends to increase their brand identification to maintain their market share since they are all serving relatively the resembling fanny customers with relatively similar products.Industry shakeoutThe growing market of the fast-food industry and the potential drop for high profits encourages forward-looking competitors to estimate the market and the existing competitors to increase their size. A point is reached where the industry becomes crowded with competitors and take up cannot put forward the new entrants and the resulting increased supply creating a situation of excess capacity with as well many g oods chasing too few buyers.Exit barriers included the issue of asset specialization which can determine how prosperous a fast food chain can exit the market without having difficulties in liquidating its assets. Due to the fact that most of the fast food chains require some tailor-made equipments that serve their specific needs and helps in maintaining their brand image end-to-end their products, the degree of asset specialization is quite high in the fast food market which subsequently creates many exit barriers. (Edward 2010) (Yacoub 2010) (Hamza 2010)When a rival acts in a way that draws out a counter-response by other competitors, the rivalry intensifies. The intensity of rivalry is commonly based on the chains aggressiveness in attempting to gain an advantage.In pursuing an advantage over its rivals, a fast-food chain can select from several competitive moves changing pricesRaising or lowering prices to gain a temporary advantage, and many chains try to offer money saving combo meals that sounds more economically to the consumer.Improving product differentiationProviding innovative and new products and better the production process itself. For example, Pizza Hut has recently introduced interesting new types of pizzas that helps them to build a strong product differentiation.Using new bring of distributionMcDonalds was the first fast-food chain to introduce the drive-thru chains that conveniently have suited many consumers helping them to co-op with the fast paced life title.Threat of replenishment products or servicesPorter describes substitute product as it is another product that can be chosen as a surrogate of the required product.The elasticity of demand could be affected by more than one variable like the price, quality, availabilityThe consumer buying decision can be changed to substitute products according to the change of the price, this change increase the demand on the substitute products. in like manner the consumer behavior now increa sed to goodish food which will affect the fast food market negatively.The flagellum of substitutes is increased ifThe substitute product offers more convenient price or performance rather than the fast-food industry because consumers always exact the alternative that offers him greater value. For example, many consumers could choose eat-in eating places because it can provide them with more food quality rather than the fast-food chains but eating in a restaurant can be more expensive.The switching bell is low and minimal, the threat of substitution becomes higher and the consumer has the ability to switch between alternatives easily with no extra charge and this is the case in the fast-food marketBargaining berth of buyersThere are several types of buyer index number. The first is related to the customers price sensitivity. If each brand of the fast-food chains is similar to all the others, and so the consumer will base the purchase decision mainly on price which will increa se the competitive rivalry, resulting in lower prices and lower profitability. For example, some consumers would choose McDonalds rather than Burger King for being cheaper. Also the more number of substitutes is available for the buyer, the more powerful he becomes.The other type of buyer power which is not strongly relevant to our market analysis is the negotiating power where big buyers tend to have more leverage to negotiate prices.Bargaining power of providersThe fourth part of the five forces analysis focuses on the power of the providers and how is it easy for them to drive up prices. This is driven by the number of suppliers available for each key input. The uniqueness of their product or service and the appeal of switching from one to another determine how powerful they are.Powerful suppliers can hug profitability out of an industry that is unable to pass on speak to increases in its own prices. The supply power in our case is be through the people who provide material s utilise for the fast-food production such as bakery, poultry, vegetables and packaging.To determine how much the suppliers are powerful we have to asses several aspectsThe supplier will become less powerful if he depends heavily on a certain buyer for revenues. For example, Farm Frites-Egypt supply McDonalds for their French Fries, and McDonalds represent a major revenue resource for them where they cannot tolerate to lose such a strong customer, and this is the case for most of the fast-food chains in Egypt where the suppliers for the materials depend heavily on fast-food chains willing to offer convenient prices for them to become his exclusive supplier for a certain material. (Aly 2010) (Eslam 2010)Changing suppliers for fast-food chains have relatively high switching costs because choosing a supplier comes after several quality tests and approvals by the fast-food chain. Also most of the fast-food chains require exclusive materials and products to be made especially for them like for instance the packaging. (Edward 2010)The supplier will become more powerful if there are no substitutes for him, but in the fast food market in Egypt each key entry has several substitutes that a fast-food chain can choose from. As mentioned before, McDonalds depends on Farm Frites-Egypt to supply them with French Fries, but at the same time McDonalds has the survival of the fittest to choose another supplier with the same standards of Farm Frites such as UniFood. (Aly 2010)Barriers to entry/ Threat of entryIt is not only the existing rivals that represent a threat for competitors in the fast-food industry the possibility that new firms may enter the industry withal affects competition. In theory, any competitor should be able to enter and exit a market. In reality, however, there are several aspects that can represent an obstacle for entry and these are called entry barriers. instauration barriers are unique industry characteristics that define the industry it can redu ce the rate of entry new rivals, so maintaining a level of profits for those already in the industry.These barriers bear from several sourcesGovernment creates barriersPresent days, the procedures a fast food chain under-go to open a new outlet is very excruciating, time atrophy and requires lots of paper fly the coop. This includes safety regulations, health inspections and taxation procedures. And due to the high levels of bureaucracy in Egypt, the task is never easy. (Aly 2010) (Edward 2010) (Eslam 2010)In the knightly, the regulatory chest of the government in re harshing competition is evident in Egypt during the era of Gamal Abdel Nasser in the sixties, most of the consumer products where locally produced by governmental companies. For example, consumer durables where locally produced by the Ideal national company. Anwar El-Sadats shift of alliance from the Soviet coalition to the western world in the early seventies was followed by the bold door policy, or privatizati on at the expense of the public sector call forth monopolized large scale industries. The shift from Nassers State capitalist era to full integration into the world capitalist system went hand in hand with encouraging consumerism and franchising activities in Egypt.(Oweiss198873-76)b. Patent rightsIdeas and knowledge that provide competitive advantages are treated as private property when patented, preventing others from using the knowledge and thus creating a barrier to entry. KFC has their own patent rights for the chicken recipe which positions them deflection from other competitors as the leading fast-food chain serving chicken making it hard for competitors to compete in the same market. (Hamza 2010)c. Customer switching costsIt becomes harder for new entrants to enter the market if the switching costs are high because it makes it harder for the consumer to switch their decision, and since switching costs between different brands of fast-food chains is low, then it is easy fo r consumers to switch their decision, thus, making it easy for new entrants to enter the market and gain market share.d. Capital requirement.Since entering the market requires huge monetary capital requirement therefore the new entrants will decrease. Capital may be necessary not only for fixed facilities but besides to extend customer credit, build inventories and fund start-up losses. There can be two types of start-up costs in our case the first one is the cost of commencement a locally branded fast-food chain, the other one is the cost of franchising an existing internationally branded fast-food chain which sounds easier than showtime a locally branded one but can be more costly. encourage details will be discussed when comparing between the two market entries alternatives.PEST compendium.While starting the franchising or broadly speaking starting an international business the new market that the company wants to start business in should be analyzed to make sure that the c ompany operations would work effectively in this market. One of the important stopcocks that companies uses in the analysis process is the PEST analysis which analyze the market considering four factors Political, Economical, Social and Technological factors. In the coming words the four factors will be discussed.Office of government commerce, (2006)(Figure 2 PEST Analysis Model)The Times100 (2008)PEST Analysis of Egypt.3.1. Political factorsExamining the semipolitical factors is a very important task any company should do before entering a new market while focusing on the Egyptian case we can produce that Egypt is politically stable compared to many countries, however sometimes companies faces some political issues there are many incidents that we can find people onerous boycotting specific company because of the base of operations country of the brand as for example USA, In many times there are people boycotting American restaurants therefore we can find many companies as for example McDonalds building on the local identity of the brand by producing a product locally as for example McArabia, McFalafel, etc and that helps in building the feeling that it is a local brand. Waguih (2002)3.2. Economical factorsAs mentioned previously the change in the frugality in the period of Sadat to his open door policy and globalization helps franchisors to work in Egypt because it is a good for you(p) economy. While starting the business franchisors were used to import every ingredient, but after several years of success, they began in building food factories licensed by the international brands. Consequently, factories became so streamlined in the production of quality goods that after fulfilling the local demand, they began exporting their products to countries passim the Middle East and Europe.Aboul Fath, (2008)In the past few years there were a growth in the Egyptian economy the finger 3 below shows the increase in the GDP per capita which shows that economic ally the market is attractive for investments. Ministry of Finance Macro Fiscal Policy whole (2008)(Figure 3 yearly Percent Change %)Ministry of Finance Macro Fiscal Policy Unit (2008)The Egyptian government has identified foreign investments as a slender component to sustained economic growth. As a result, investors are exhibit special exemptions and incentives. However, several barriers to investment remain including a high level of bureaucracy, complex tax systems and customs procedures. To overcome these obstacles, the Egyptian government is presently directing its effort to increase privatization and fiscal transparency, and to improve tax regulations thus encouraging foreign investments and easing the path for franchising. Aboul Fath, (2008)3.3. Social factorsDemographicsThe group of consumers in Egypt consist of low income families, middle and high income this may secure the success in Egyptian fast food market. In addition to that there is about 50% of Egyptian populatio n young consumer which presented in figure 4. That may make an opportunity for the fast food chains as their young group becomes more targets to the American and European chains. There is also the percentage of the working age where they representing the purchasing power are nearly 62% showed in figure 4 below. The middle aged is want fast food as a solution for a ready meal. Awad, Zohry (2005) Shaefer(2008)(figure.4 Egyptian Population by Broad Age groups 1950-2010)Awad and Zohry (2005)Fast food expenditure and consumption patternsIn a study conducted by Fabiosa and Soliman (2008) they cerebrate on explaining the impact of income changes on the expenditure behavior for the households, . Another study by Fabiosa (2008) shows the household food-away-from-home (FAFH) expenditure pattern in Egypt.When reviewing the life style of Egyptians, we can find that Egyptians eats three main meals, traditional Egyptians meals is made of rice or pasta and vegetables. Meat is also included depen ding on whether they can afford its cost or not. However in the past decade there were rapid increases in the interest of the Egyptians in the fast food especially in the American and European food. However, high class families usually are aware about healthy food and may choose products with lower fat and cholesterol.Fabiosa and Soliman, (2008), Fabiosa (2008)Average income families usually can afford to eat once a month outside, although dining outside of home is increase in popularity among many consumers. More well-off households and single people may eat out more than once a week. The young consumer segment, especially wealthier segment, typically eats out more than it cooks at home and the consumption can reach as much as four or five times a week.Fabiosa, (2008)3.4. Technological factorsThe several advancements in technology have allowed the food production to grow massively and at much lower costs than it used to be. Now, there are several ways a person can order his food t hrough telephone, internet, and drive-through fast-food chains. All of these ways are of course available beside the traditional way of ordering fast-food which is take-away. Due to technological advancements, buying fast-food is one of the easiest tasks a person can do nowadays.Technological advancement also reached the food itself, now with the increased health awareness, fast-food chains try to focus on producing healthy food and reducing all the harmful ingredients. For instance, KFC announces that they are using Trans-Fat free ingredients which raised many health concerns among consumers. Also technology offers wide rove of flavors that can be added to make food more appealing to consumers. A.Hamza, (Branch coach-and-four Hardees Restaurants. in-person Interview. 1st of Feb, 2010).4. The Egyptian fast food sectorEntering the fast food market in Egypt can be successfully done in two main ways according to the successful stories in Egypt which will be explain later first is ac quiring a franchise license from an international-branded fast food chain, The second is to create a new brand that is developed locally and independently. Opening an independent (locally branded) fast food chain is the total opposite of franchising. Instead of buying a franchise license from a well known established brand, the founder decides to create a new brand enduring all of the associated costs and taking the risk of creating a new brand image that requires time to gain the desired reputation. Aboul Fath ,(2008)5. Franchising as an international business toolInternationalization became one important way of doing business allover the world.1980s shows the increasing in distribution number of international retailers. The retailers were acquired and forced to move and enter international markets as the domestic market gave them a limited option to distribute their products or services. By this increasing numbers of distributing in international markets which continued in 1990s t he retailers considered developing themselves to enter new markets outside, Quinn Alexander, (2002).To enter a new market there are three main ways which are first is independent as to invest in the new market and work directly from there. On the other hand there is two ways which are distributorship and formal relativeship and these two ways are to work throw another party which could be in many ways, figure 1 briefly explain this ways.Entry modesIndependentDistributorshipFormal relationshipJoint ventureAcquisitionFranchisingLicensing(Figure 5 Modes of entry)Distributorship theory which is having a relation with the supplier, the distributor buys in bulk quantities and sell in smaller quantities, this independent distributor can work with many suppliers and he may not receive discipline or support from the supplier and the relation simply is to buy the product from the supplier no more.Formal relationship Elaborating more on the facts showed in the chart, there are other options i n this case is to join another party as acquisitions, joint venture, licensing and franchising.5.1. Franchising ConceptMany people think that fast food restaurants like KFC, Pizza Hut, MacDonalds or Burger King are the only examples of franchising but already there are many types of franchising and as Mr. Sidney J. Feltenstein the chairman of international franchising association says one out of every three dollars spent by Americans for goods and services is spent in a franchised business. Homes we buy can be throw franchised business, cars we buy clean or cared also can be through franchised business. We can travel from country to another through franchised business transportation firms so there are many types of franchising. (Beshel, 2000).Beshel, (2000) defined franchising as an agreement between two parties or two independent persons which give thatone from this two parties (franchisee) get the right to trade or to work by the trade mark of the second party (franchisor)Franchis ee gets the right to use the operating system of franchisor and his obligation to pay fees to the franchisor.Franchisors obligation to provide rights to support franchisee.So franchise is a continuing relation between the franchisor and the franchisee. This relation depends on the franchisors experience, history, image and success. Also franchisor technique in doing business is important point to be consider when use franchising.The agreement of franchise can be made using several arrangements. It can be by fixed fees, percentage of sum of sales or the franchisee purchasing the product from the franchisor. Rothenberg, (1976).Independent vs. FranchisedComparing between the two routes for analyzing the effectiveness of franchising on food market in Egypt, some points considered to show that. To gather such in-depth information, interviews were conducted with several fast food chains managers and supervisors (franchised and local) to help us compare and choose the most appealing strate gy for market entry.6.1. Start-up CapitalTo acquire a franchise license is a very difficult task, the reason is that the franchisor expects from his franchisee to be withholding a respectable amount of monetary resources that can change the franchisee to be up to the franchisors expectations and standards. For instance, the franchisee can be subject to some strict conditions set by the franchisor asking him to open a minimum number of chains with certain quality standards or else the franchise contract will be voided. Kaufmann Dant, (2001) (Calhoun 1975) A.Aly. (CEO of gull Franchises. personal Interview. 11th of Feb, 2010)On the other hand, starting up an independent local fast food chain can be much easier and much less in terms of cash resources required. You can start small and then expand and grow bit by bit without having the limitations and strict conditions of a franchise contract that can be in terms ofHuge initial franchise feesPrevious experience graphic symbol standa rdsSize vs. time frame available for growthThus, keeping up with the franchisors conditions and standards require huge capital investments at the beginning which can be a drawback for choosing the franchise route as an entry strategy for the fast food market. But in some cases, financing a franchise can be easier because are sometimes more likely to offer loans to buy a franchise with a good reputation. O.Eslam, (General Manager of Target Franchises. Personal Interview. 11th of Feb, 2010).H.Anis( Founder of Harris Caf. Personal Interview. 28th of Feb,2010).6.2. Established concernA franchise opportunity provides its franchisee a well established and internationally recognized brand name and image that can acquire customers. In other words, buying a franchise can be like buying a business with built-in customers.Franchising a brand also doesnt carry the same risk as building a new one because when considering the option of entering the fast food market with an independent brand chai ns, founder will be struggling at first to achieve a good reputation and strong brand image that can earn the trust of consumers without having any doubts related to health or quality issues because one of the most difficult things to do when starting a business is to develop a recognizable presence with customers. This usually only happens over time and franchises eliminate this obstacle which saves both money and time.Also the franchisees will capture the benefits of the parent companys national marketing campaigns and advertising. A.Aly. (CEO of Target Franchises. Personal Interview. 11th of Feb, 2010) S.Edward, (CEO of Future Franchises. Personal Interview. 13th of Feb., 2010).O.Eslam, (General Manager of Target Franchises. Personal Interview. 11th of Feb., 2010).M.Yacoub,.( Branch Manager of Cook Door. Personal Interview. 25th of Feb., 2010).(Peterson Dant, 1990)6.3 nettle to Technology and TrainingWhen buying a franchise, the franchisor gives you support usually including tr aining and orientation to help setting up the business and they provide you with manuals coitus you how to run the business and ongoing advice.Also, most of the times the franchisor provide you with all the equipment, supplies and materials needed to conduct the business so you dont have to worry about acquiring assets that include state of the art machines and equipments like you do when opening an independent new chain. (Peterson Dant, 1990) M.Telleb,. (Branch Manager Starbucks Cafe. Personal Interview. 28th of feb, 2010).6.4 Operating costThe franchisee will be able to acquire all necessary supplies at much lower costs because the prices are negotiated by the company with the suppliers in behalf of all the franchise units. Because of the size and regular occurrence of orders, the franchisor is able to get huge discounts on supplies. This gives an advantage compared to the route of entering the market with a new local independent brand. M.Yacoub,.( Branch Manager of Coo
суббота, 30 марта 2019 г.
India Is A Secular Country
India Is A Secular CountryI think one of our contradictions and limitations of our democracy was conferral of group rights. Through this cooking every morality most importantly Christianity and Muslims can throw off their cause set of spiritual rights including having their own personal law and all the ghostly institutions argon free to propaganda their own religion and raise money without taxes. Since 1947,Various religions,castes and tribes have been accommodated in our plain through group rights, liberal constitutionalism and layered federalism.(Bajpai,2003) I think adopting group rights in our constitution it led to a grade of liberalism conversation where as there is a conflict between raise sovereignty and Individual rights.In India the concept of religion is deeply rooted, from period to time the ruling classes and the forces which want to control the society has always apply religion to mobilise people for electoral votes. In the post-1947 period, all the policy- fashioning parties in order fashion their exclusive vote banks, they resort to linguistic, regional, religious identities which leads to polarisation among the masses. For eg targeting Muslim vote banks, congress always appeased the fundamentalists of the company and hold to all their religious demands while ignoring the basic issues of Muslims which would enable their political community and economic and cultural development. The political parties to divert the attention of people from unhopeful ground realities will come up with deceptive slogans and issues. Exploiting the media they will create religious and communal differences among the common masses for their political interests. The decade of eighties was a decade which saw secular- solid groundalist discourse. Its the time when the Indian Identity got fragmentize into various smaller sectional identities. To put it in Foucauldian terms revolt of littleselves . He notes that this modern form of power is characterized by an immensely supple braiding of coercion and consent (Nigam,2000).In 80s, BJP, a Hindoo nationalist, right telephone extension party dubbed the Congresss secularism as Pseudo-secularism. The secular theory was condemned in the context that it did not respect the wishes and interests of Hindoo majority They felt Hindus were the ones most affected by it. They claimed it pampered the minority, especially Muslims and lower caste. By not respecting Hindu values, it snubs the Indian intellect of secularism which calls for equal respect for all religions (sarva dharma-sambhav). According to BJP, true secularism, can further be accomplishd through true equality, which must(prenominal) start from the premise that Hindus draw the majority population (Hansen 1996). The real pursuit of the discourse of Hindu patriotism is to achieve equality through difference. The rise of religious identities in India is doubting the fundamental values of democracy.Though Hindu nationalism was ste adily ontogeny in 1980s it got radicalized in 1990s. The actors behind this radicalization were assertiveness of lower caste, chthonicperforming political- administrative system (license Raj), increased insecurity because of Globalisation and livelinessing of dislocation of nation and national identity. The fervour of Hindu nationalism was at its peak at this time and struck chord with Hindu middle classes. Thus Nation- dry land became a vehicle to disseminate hindutva Ideology. This dogmatism resulted in the demolition of babri masjid. In this discourse to Hindu Nationalism, Muslims were demonized as operational others as they ar constraining India to achieve modernity because their cultural obsoleteness and population overgrowth. Also they argon considered to be the reason for the dislocation of the nation in the past and the contemporary times. They agree to Hindu nationalism, also block the full realization of democracy due(p) to their block voting and stunt the full devel opment of a extensive secularism due to their intransigence and intolerance (Hansen 1996).Thus the varied notions of authenticity, sovereignty and favourable position among these religious groups especially Hindus and Muslims and discourse of rights and equality among these social groups lead to Hindu Nationalism.Hindu Nationalist discourse seek to portray the muslims as inherently doctrine, undemocratic, anti-modern and patriarchal. Hindutva forces like RSS,BJP used a religious language to create a political discourse. To acquire power Hindtuva forces came up with a political political orientation to influence the voters and mobilise them on religious grounds by making them increasingly religious consciousness. Hindutvas manifested Hinduism was more hegemonic, chauvinistic and political in character. Hindutva administration used selective religious symbolism that forms a to promote a particular version of Hinduism that fitted the RSSs larger vision of the nation-state by wipin g those ideologically awkward components of Hinduism. The integral Hindu nationalist movement promoted a view that religion no longer needs to be hidden from the public space, under the garb of secularism.Hindutva forces adapted an aggressive and chauvinistic form of Hinduism. For eg They brought out the whole concept of Bharartha Matha who is pictured as one form of Hindu kali. During processions they calls for Hindu unity are common and one frequently heard chirp is This country is a Hindu country Its the Hindu peoples own country Most prevalent of all is Om Kali Jai Kali Bharatmata ki jai In other words, while proclaiming victory in Hindi to Mother India uniquely understood as Bharat, Hindu India it is supremely violent Kali who is invoked and praised. RSSs activists evidence Kalis name inspires courage in them, but almost all slogans are plainly intended, too, to be aggressively Hindu and they are understood as such by Muslims and Christians, who hear them most vigorously , yelled out when a procession passes a mosque or church.1The thematic Hindu nationalism sought the support of religious institutions, orders and festivals in this regard. Among the various festivals, Hindutva has dictatorialally targeted few religious festivals like Ganesh Chaturthi for political purposes. Through indoctrination of colourful, seductive processions the Hindutva forces on a effortless basis succeeds in Hinduisation of the public spheres. Lot of Hindu festivals are no more a symbol of religious and cultural traditions but are symbols of communalism.In the name of nationalist ideology, Hindutva forces manifest Hinduism through various institutions in an attempt to make the public internalise Hinduvta ideas which indirectly influences the masses in everyday life. Thus these political elites artificially constructed this whole atmosphere of Hindu-Muslim repugnance through indoctrination and enfranchisement of manifested religious ideas and portrayed muslims as enemies . This resulted in systematic excorcision of muslims.Thus this resurgence of religious identities is not a problem of democracy or secularism its a problem of political vested interests executed through our democratic institutions.Muslims in India are increasingly facing socially exclusion. Muslims are looked at with qualm and contempt. Its a very disturbing trend to see reports like Muslims are not able to find homes2and the highest number of untrailed cases are from muslim community3.How can we be a good democracy if Minorities of our country doesnt feel at peace?A liberal secular democracy shouldnot place upright matters of faith triumphing over ourconstitution. Religion should not interfere in state affairs. Understanding tolerance as secularism is wrong.as citizens regardless of which community we belong to we must not tolerate certain things.
пятница, 29 марта 2019 г.
Visiting The Gold Coast †The Surfer’s Paradise
Visiting The golden sliding board The Surfers nirvana prosperous microscope slide The Surfers heavenHelloA coastal metropolis in the southeasterlyeast Queens knock down state of Australia, favourable sailplaning is home to more or less 3 million people. Surfing is champion of the principal(prenominal) interests present. Both locals and holidaymakers ram a serious interest in surfboarding here. 35 kilometres of its golden sand beaches puts it as one of the most democratic beach holi twenty-four hours destinations in Australia. Over two million tourists overturn Gold sailing annually.Best Season to dress down Gold CoastGold Coast is rotate all around the year. You can transmit clear- slope winters, crisp autumn mornings and golden and vibrant summers. When you hire close to three hundred days of sunbatheshine a year, formal seasons become less app arnt. Temperatures argon much peacefuler in rural areas and the hinterland all by means of the year.The peak seas ons are mainly summer (December to February) and autumn (March to May).Highlights (Special Things to Do in Gold Coast)Adrenaline-pumping rides, exotic animals and endless number of body of waterslides will help cool you off here. Gold Coast holidays feed a full background of interactive entertainment to offer, be it big dazzling theme position or s heart and soul yet hilariously quirky museums.Let your cop loose at one the many theme put dotting Gold Coast. Gold Coast is home to some of the mammothst and best theme parks in the world.You can Cuddle a koala, feed a can of rainbow lorikeets or even swim with the dolphins do much more at the wild parks and aquariums nearby.Revisit history, at some of the citys oldest and most renowned attractions.Watch Whales.Experience the bio-diverse city and the largest subtropical rainforest in Australia, at the natural parks and attractions around the city.Sample the citys stunning walking tracks that come with incredible lookouts.Learn h ow beer is brewed and experiment one of the regions finest wines at a local vineyard. reform and unwind at one of Gold Coasts award-winning spas or wellness retreats.Indulge in sports and recreational activities, from surfing to sky diving. Hotspots of Gold CoastYou can check out these popular places to visit in Gold Coast.Surfers Paradise Surfers Paradise is the signature high-rise solving emerging out of the commercial centre of the Gold Coast.Surfers Paradise marge Three-kilometre long strip of golden sands between Surfers Paradise and the pacific Ocean is a picture perfect location that mesmerizes millions e rattling year.SkyPoint ascent This is the highest external building walk in Australia. Feel a ace of achievement when you stand on a 270 meter high with the sun shimmering around you with a 360 degree view of golden sands, lush verdancy tropical mountains and the Gold Coast skyline.Ripleys Believe It Or Not reach overwhelmed by hundreds of incredible exhibits, rare st ories, mystery and magic, incredible deceptions, interactive games and stupefying movies.Movie Stunt Experience Be an action hero, choosing whether to break finished windows, commando-style or fly around by being suspended on wires or spring from buildings or even be lit on fire. scarf bandage Gold Coast Holding 2 people at a time, with a video camera attached to capture the riders reactions, the Slingshot catapults you 80 meters up in the air.Jetboat Extreme Spin and slide cross panaches the sea in a custom-built, twin-jet-powered, turbo-charged jet boat.CoolangattaCoolangatta rim Known for its decelerate pace and laid back lifestyle, it is the southernmost beach in Queensland. nerve center Rocks heart Rocks is a small rocky ridge that is famous for the Superbank, the hook on of the large sand bank.Kirra Beach The small rocky stageland Kirra Point, is know as one of the worlds leading surf breaks. This surf break is cognise for producing high quality waves.Gold Coast Sky dive You get to jump off a plane at 12,000 feet above the ground free-fall for about 40 seconds before opening the parachute to take in the mesmerising dishful of Gold Coast, and finally landing on to the warm sand of Kirra Beach. southernmostportThe Rockpools A water theme park for all age groups, the Rockpools that comes with a coastal theme has a creek bed and an array of pools that mimic coastal tides.Burleigh HeadsBurleigh Heads Beach Simply Burleigh to locals, it sits uniform a pause, between Surfers Paradise and Coolangatta to the nitrogen and south respectively. Its a charming punctuation mark on the Gold Coast and absolutely a place to stop and take nonice.SpringbrookNatural Bridge Natural Bridge at Springbrook National lay is the most uncommon geological feature created by water flow rate through with(predicate) the roof of a basalt cave for millions of years. It is home to an enchanting settlement of glow-worms, which can be seen after sunset.Mermaid BeachPutt P utt play Play golf in one of the three unbelievably themed 18 Hole Courses with themes like the Jungle Trail, Water elans Cove or the Fun Run. Navigate through bizarre animals, conquer motorised obstacles and cruise along a water filled putting adventure.CurrumbinCurrumbin Wildlife Sanctuary More than 1,400 native Australian animals on display here in a natural double-deckerh land and rainforest landscape. The Sanctuary offers a world of discovery through bewitching wildlife shows, night safari and an interactive science activity zone.Shopping in Gold CoastOffering a shopping experience like no other, the Gold Coast has a range of options from department stores and reject traders to boutiques and specialty shops, markets and as well duty free stores.For cheap souvenirs and t-shirts go to Cavill meat and its surrounding areas. Dozens of stores in and around Surfers Paradise cater altogether to the tourist crowd and you could end up picking up sheepskins, Australian opals, wool products and even aboriginal artefacts.Out of the numerous shopping centres in Surfers Paradise the popular ones are the Chevron Renaissance and the Centro Shopping Plaza. These places are good for a tourist shopping however for day to day value items it is better to shop elsewhere.For a selection of high-end or mid-range boutiques and shops, head to the Orchard Avenue, Elkhorn Avenue and Cavill Avenue in Surfers Paradise. Care should be taken while purchasing in Surfers Paradise as counterfeits are very common. Its an irony that the real Louis Vuitton boutique is right next to the imitation goods shops on Elkhorn Avenue.Robina town Centre has a modern shopping mall with eateries and shops that take care of everyones needs.A large selection of shops across all budgets can be found at Harbor Town Center in Biggeria Waters.The small farmers market across the road is a must visit for its good restaurants and delis.How to reach Gold Coast circu slowly By PlaneThe Gold Coast airport , better known as the Coolangatta Airport, is located in Coolangatta to the south of the city. It is a pretty unique drome as it lies across the Queensland and New South Wales borders you would always land in one state and arrive in the other.Though it is a passably small terminal, it receives around 3.5 million travellers annually. The airport is well connected with major(ip) cities in Australia, New Zealand, and Asia. Another thing to keep in capitulum is that it is NOT a 24 hour airport, so do not plan on staying overnight before an early morning flight.The Gold Coast Tourist Shuttle runs transit services from the Gold Coast Airport to hotels and theme parks all over Gold Coast. guest service kiosks are in the located in the international and domesticated terminals.An alternative, especially if using a rented car, is to fly into Brisbane Airport. You have better connectivity from there. footing By TrainCityTrain is an electric train service between Brisbane and Nerang, Robi na, Coomera and Helensvale. Its roughly a 70 minutes journey from Brisbane Central to Robina and Nerang.As the train runs along the coast you can check which station on route is closest to your destination.Countrylink in New South Wales has trains running from Sydney with bus services at the Casino to Surfers Paradise.How to get around Gold CoastCar Gold Coast is easily accessible by car, and large parking lots at most locations make parking a less harrowing experience. around car rental services are available here.Bus Surfside Buslines, are the main form of public transpose here in Gold Coast and they have designated stops on most areas. Buses are available 24 hours a day the oftenness is higher during the day.Airport Transfers (shuttles) operate point to point between Coolangatta Airport and most places along the coast and are a popular transfigure to taxis.Taxi Taxis are available but expect to wait endless for it on busy nights.Bike The Gold Coast Ocean way is a 36km pa thway meant for pedestrians and cyclists connecting the Gold Coast Seaway to Point Danger, masking most of the coastline on route.Top areas in Gold CoastSurfers Paradise Surfers Paradise, located on long stretches of golden beaches is where surfers do more than adept riding the waves. High rise apartments line the shore, nightclubs, pubs are abundant here. The late night shopping will keep you busy all through. Most Gold Coast hotels, high end and budget, are located around here.Broadbeach Broadie as called by the locals, it is a quieter version of Surfers Paradise. It is known for its gorgeous beaches dot by lazy parks and bustling weekend markets. It is the second busiest tourist suburb and is home to casinos, shopping centres and many eateries.Mount Tamborine Located in the peaceful and scenic hinterland and at just an hour from Gold Coast, it is a tropical rainforest, populated with unique, vibrant and colourful, exotic birds. Many fire types of flora and fauna can also be found here. It is also known for its tranquil calm atmosphere.Main Beach High-rises and resorts dot this upscale suburb. Located at the northern end of the Gold Coast, Main Beach is called so as it was the main surf beach at Southport. Its open shore break makes it very popular with Surfers.Burleigh Heads Home to tall redolent(p) pine trees, this parkland has plenty of places where you can picnic or have a barbecue. You would also find arts and crafts markets here, where you can haggle your way to a good deal. You can find good mid-range accommodation here.Coolangatta This is one of the twin cities located on the border between New South Wales and Queensland. The surf here is outstanding, particularly off the northern corner of Coolangatta Beach. Snapper Rocks and Duranbah are world-class surf breaks that are located here. You also have a few mid-range accommodation options here.Mermaid Beach This is simply a serene laid-back spot. Theres an extensive mixture of dining optio ns here ranging from modern Australian to a lot of Pan Asian culinary options. While there are plenty of cheap accommodation options here, from apartments to gear parks, do not forget to check out the flashy and fire tree millionaires row.Miami A small beach town located south of Surfers Paradise, Miami has a beautiful stretch of golden sands that is perfect for families.thank You
Texting A Use Of Communication English Language Essay
textbooking A Use Of Communication English dustup moveTexting is matchless of the latest forms that people example to publish. Much desire former(a) new technologies at the time, texting has developed its own manner lingo including abbreviations and graphics. It is near(prenominal) different from oppositewise forms of create verb everyy communication however, mevery are concerned close how texting affects overall affects the typography abilities of our youthfulness. Does the sawn-off dustup somehow adjourn and discourage students from learning how to spell or when it is appropriate to use shorten speech and when it is non. Contrary to proper belief, Text messaging does not spoil a serious threat to standard English spell or literacy.M any(prenominal) of our fore fathers have advocated what texting has imple workforceted. Benjamin Franklin was among the numerous brilliant minds of that carbon who advocated for a simplified spelling system (Hendrick 2008). Merri am Webster of Websters dictionary is responsible for removing the u from words akin labor and color in an effort to represent words more simplified and easier to spell. Many of these men including The Spelling participation dormant in existence today, wanted to see an English Language that was free from so many vowels and silent letters (Hendrick 2008). While these men may have been happy to see the dissimilar forms that texted words think on, changing the standard spelling of words overall require a great deal more effort than even some of our superior minds could imagine. in that respect have been many new technologies that have come on that may have appeared as a threat to the English address. When the telecommunicate was invented and use to transmit messages over long distances, at that place was never the terror that this type of abbreviated speech would somehow leak out into the domain and destroy English as we know it (Sutherland 2008). Besides telegrams, there h as been international Morse code Code, and CB radios. All of these technologies eventually fell by the slipwayide in elevate of new and better ways to communicate. If the past is any indicator as to what we can expect in the future, than text messaging may as well find its day on the chopping block.If text speech is here to stay, because it still foibles no threat to the English language. As a librate of position it is a segmented part of the English language. Much like a dialect, text speech has developed as a written form. As well noted, it differs greatly in structure, form and style from stock(a) English. When the writings of Zora Neale Hurston and many others showed the beauty and creativity of diverse English dialects, some were applauded while others were excited to see such richness and creativity. No whizz would argue that texting has a social or historical culture that is ridiculous to a people, however, much like other dialects of the English language, there is still a standard enforced and reinforced by society overall.Text speech is very un organize and has multiple chromosomal mutations for the same expressions. There has been various dictionaries and resource books that attempt to explain some standard abbreviations but there are very few absolutes. For example, According to Plester, Wood, and gong (2008), when giving a group of middle school children a phrase to translate that include the word night into text speech, there were several variations. They included nite, niht, nyt, nte, and nigt (141). former(a) words have more common spelling such as L8 for late or the letter u for the word you. As a result of its non-standardized form, the only reliable method of written communications so that everyone understands still remains the standard.Another case why texting does not pose a threat to the English language is its purpose. It is a spontaneously structured social interaction (Plester, Wood, and Bell 2008). Text spelling is derived from the need to communicate a message in a short amount of characters. This is receivable mainly to the fact that many cell phones only allow a certain amount of characters per message (Hendrick 2008). To avoid having to continue on to a part two, words are abbreviated and letters are left hand out and shortened as a means to fit it all in. By these measures, the misspellings that many people are afraid of occur intentionally as oppose to a lack of knowledge of the English language (Baron 2009).Some of the most common abbreviations such as LOL (laugh out loud), ILY ( I love you), OMG (oh my God), and BTW (by the way), and spellings may split over into formal writing in school. This is also a natural phenomenon as students find different ways to express their creativity (Barron 2009). As reported by Coulter (2008), majority of students know the variation between formal and unceremonial writing. They are witting that in formal writing text abbreviations and emoticons are not appropriate. Educators essential be prepared to accept text speech as an informal writing style, and should teach the students the exit the same way they teach the difference between appropriate uses for informal wiring such as for notes and email.The developments of these abbreviated words, of many different variations, each come from its phonological roots. In sanctify make words, one has to have phonemic awareness in place to reconstruct the words into something meaningful and understood by others (Mangu-Ward 2010). According to Plester, Wood, and Bell (2008), texting requires a person to use metalinguistic awareness to slip between one register of language to another, as they deem it appropriate (p.143). It was a awe to these researchers to find that children who use text messaging showed greater performance on verbal reasoning than children who did not.As a matter of fact, their research along with countless others has recorded no damaging impact on children who use this as a method to communicate. According to a study through by Britains Coventry University children who use text abbreviations on their phones-lol, l8ter, and the like do better in reading and spelling in school (Mangu-Ward 2008 p. 14). Expanding a bit further, when researching various forms of computer mediated discourse, there has been no negative impact set up at all on language skills (Hendrick 2008).There are reasons that can be used to explain why so many people are fearful that texting is destroying the English language. One reason is over exaggeration by the media (Hendrick 2008). Our system of media is famous for taking a subject that has very little research and attempting to sensationalize it to everyone. As reported previously, the fact that research shows that not only does texting not disrupt the education of youth but has also shown to increase test scores in other areas is very rarely reported by public media sources. That information does not make for a great story t hat impassioned individuals can harbor their support behind. Although the research states overtly the benefits of texting, it is doubtful that there will be any impassioned parents or teachers throwing their support the other way.Another unmotivated benefit of texting is youths as well as adults are reading and writing much more frequently than they normally would. Youths get a mishap to practice their reading and spelling everyday of their own choice (Mangu-Ward 2010). Although it is unremarkably known about the abbreviated versions and intentional misspelling of words, contrary to commonplace belief it does not occur nearly as much as one would expect. When Barron and Ling conducted a study of college students text messaging they found few more lexical shortenings yet the grand total of clear abbreviations was only 47 out of 1,473 words, which is hardly overwhelming. The text message spelling myth has been dispelled by many respected professional researchers from various ha ndle of study.Many educational systems are starting to see the light about this controversial form of communicating. Although texting is just one form of communication that has been targeted, other mediums of informal language that use abbreviated speech are used to help students. In one Seattle based high school, students in an American literature class must blog daily about opposed and weird laws (Coulter 2008). Much like texting, the students are free to write as they feel with no penalty for grammar or spelling. Many students and teachers feel this is any appropriate way to not just explain, but show the students the difference between formal and informal writing, while letting them be as fanciful as they would like. This method of instruction encourages and contains the need of this type of expression.No matter how many text speech dictionaries are created, or how many new abbreviations become more common, there will always be a need for a standard form of communication and acceptable writing skills (Coulture 2008). As communicative technology changes, so will the language used in these types of mediums. By understanding that texting is just another variation of the English language and not a full on frontal assault, people will be able to appreciate it for it true creative value and potential. Studies have clearly shown the benefits of texting on the youth in theatrical role to spelling and literacy, so there should no longer be any fear about its harmfulness. Instead, the media should focus on finding solutions to the real issues of education, like resources, qualified teachers, and funding.
четверг, 28 марта 2019 г.
Book Report On Of Mice And Men Essay -- essays research papers
Of Mice and MenIn the beginning of the explanation, two men named George Milton and Lennie broken are trying to make their way to a small spreading in Salinas Valley, California. George is the leader of their two spell tribe, despite Lennie&8217s intimidating size. George is filled with determination and confidence while Lennie is a simple man with a big heart.Up north, they had recently been run fall out of a townsfolk called Weed on account of Lennie. First of all, Lennie is not rattling smart, and becomes frightened and confused easily. Also, he enjoys petting animals and feelingthings that grab his attention. One night in Weed, Lennie and George had gone to a pool hall. Lennie saw a lady friend wearing a bright red dress. He grabbed on to the arm of her dress. The girl became scared and screamed this frightened Lennie. He did not know what to do so he held on to the dress tighter. The next day, George found out that the girl went to the police and pressed charges agains t Lennie. The police were all over town looking for him. George and Lennie escaped by hiding in an irrigation ditch until decline and then leaving town. After that, they hitchhiked all the way to Salinas Valley, California where the story continues. The next day they arrived at their destination, the ranch where the would be working. That day, they met someone named Candy. He was an old man who had been working on the farm for many years. He also had an old dog. It was so stiff with rheumatism it could hardly walk. A few ...
Madonnas Like a Prayer Analysis :: essays research papers
Madonnas Like a PrayerThe all rules that an artist goes by atomic number 18 the ones they set upon themselves. Artists pink current hot topics and some whiles explore their context of use threw the use of their imaginations. unmatched very fine example of this is Madonnas Like a Prayer music video at the time that it was released it was a ample hit on the music charts. Still today Like a Prayer is a very well known song. At the time of its release it was at the center of controversy with parent groups, church groups, mainstream media, and the govern workforcet. throughout the history of art this has been a reoccurring phenomenon that art can be offensive. My locate within my group is I am a member of the media just now I am neutral and am just interpreting the nitty-gritty and the implied context of the video.Pepsi and Sears both wanted to pull advertisement support from MTV if they go on to show the video. One of the reasons for this was the controversial religious conte nt and both companies are family oriented which they thought may have blemished their image. In the orifice scenes of the video you see Madonna witness a crime and a opaque man glide path to help the woman just in time when the cops get there. This man is arrested for being in the wrong piazza at the wrong time. He is totally innocent and in point was arduous to help the woman. So Madonna goes to the church where she prays to the black Jesus, which too looks like the hero from earlier. Jesus was an innocent and sin free soul wrongly accused of crimes he did not commit. This is the connection that Madonna was trying to establish with the black Jesus. When Madonna dozes off on the church pew she has a dream of being in Heaven and then she is in front of burning crosses. Burning crosses are usually synonymous with the KKK. present again I believe Madonna was not promoting the KKK obviously exclusively she was again trying to establish the assault on innocence and the context of the burning crosses and the black Jesus fits in perfectly. The cross burnings symbolize the setting of hate and what prejudice can create. In this case it was white men attacking a white woman and black man coming to save her. Then the white cops automatically assume since he is black that he did it.
среда, 27 марта 2019 г.
Lord Of The Flies- Literary Analysis :: essays research papers
The passkey of the Flies literary epitomeCreation Myth- Cosmogenesis aft(prenominal) investigating many human race fictions, I score narrowed it level to two novels which I c entirely up relate walk-to(prenominal) to the creation falsehood of Lord of the Flies by William Golding.The first fabrication I explored was an Alaskan creation myth. This myth states that in early propagation thither was exactly darkness and no light at all. Lord of the Flies begins with a similar situation. There is light literally, of course, but other there is no light because no bingle knows what is going on or where they atomic number 18 or why they are there. The first characters we equal are in the dark about many things. This is how many civilizations set off out. As the Alaskan myth goes on it says that one day a girl goes out, swallows a feather and becomes pregnant. She consequentlyce gives birth to a bollix with a ravens bill. She buns not find a shrink from for the go bad to play with so she allows it to play with a toy from her fathers house that he strictly prohibits. The toy is then broken and it sheds light on all of Alaska creating light forever. The future(a) day the baby disappeared. This reminds me of how swinish is the intelligent one who always insists that there should be a fire burning in order for them to be rescued. No one listens to him much just as the lady in the Alaskan myth does not listen to her father. Piggy then gets killed and not long after that, the rest of the boys are rescued because of Piggys intelligence about the fire. Piggy was then done for(p) just as the baby shed light on Alaska and then disappeared. I form this myth similar to the story in those ways.another(prenominal) creation myth that helped me relate to The Lord of the Flies was the Japanese creation myth of Izangi. This myth says that Izangi and his wife were given the task of creating a world. I really believe that the boys in Lord of the Flies were placed o n the island with the task of creating a world together. Whether it would work was the question. Izangis wife then died giving birth. Izangi went to the perdition to retrieve her but she refused and they then parted forever. When Izangi came acantha he washed his left and right eyes creating the sun and lunar month goddesses.Lord Of The Flies- Literary Analysis essays research papers The Lord of the Flies Literary AnalysisCreation Myth- CosmogenesisAfter investigating many creation myths, I have narrowed it down to two myths which I believe relate closest to the creation myth of Lord of the Flies by William Golding.The first myth I explored was an Alaskan creation myth. This myth states that in early times there was only darkness and no light at all. Lord of the Flies begins with a similar situation. There is light literally, of course, but otherwise there is no light because no one knows what is going on or where they are or why they are there. The first characters we meet a re in the dark about many things. This is how many civilizations start out. As the Alaskan myth goes on it says that one day a girl goes out, swallows a feather and becomes pregnant. She then gives birth to a baby with a ravens bill. She can not find a toy for the baby to play with so she allows it to play with a toy from her fathers house that he strictly prohibits. The toy is then broken and it sheds light on all of Alaska creating light forever. The next day the baby disappeared. This reminds me of how Piggy is the intelligent one who always insists that there should be a fire burning in order for them to be rescued. No one listens to him much just as the lady in the Alaskan myth does not listen to her father. Piggy then gets killed and not long after that, the rest of the boys are rescued because of Piggys intelligence about the fire. Piggy was then gone just as the baby shed light on Alaska and then disappeared. I found this myth similar to the story in those ways.Another creat ion myth that helped me relate to The Lord of the Flies was the Japanese creation myth of Izangi. This myth says that Izangi and his wife were given the task of creating a world. I really believe that the boys in Lord of the Flies were placed on the island with the task of creating a world together. Whether it would work was the question. Izangis wife then died giving birth. Izangi went to the underworld to retrieve her but she refused and they then parted forever. When Izangi came back he washed his left and right eyes creating the sun and moon goddesses.
How Does the Language in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein Reflect its Gothic
How Does the Language in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein ricochet its Gothic GenreThe gothic genre was popular around the nineteenth century. It isoften associated with dour, evil things and death. This seemedappropriate at the time as in that location were no electric lights ortelevisions so it was generally darker than it is in the redeem day.It brings to mind stories like Frankenstein, Dracula and Dr Jekyll andMr Hyde. It may have been popular at this time because it is typicallybased about ominous things in dark places making it seem morerealistic because of the use of candles at the time.I am focussing on the beginning of Frankenstein and observing howhis dreams drove him to his possess destruction, and how he is left todestroy the monster which he created.Robert Walton, an explorer traveling through the icy wasteland of theNorth Pole, sees the monster and is on the spur of the moment overwhelmed by his evilpresence, he then finds Frankenstein, almost dead and consumed by the bashfulness of the bitter environment. Victor comes with his warning, andhis story, as he explains just what a dream can lead to.The first-year part of the book is Robert Waltons letter from St.Petersburgh and his ship to his sister in London. The letters arewritten in the first person and the present tense, making the storymuch more real and believable as it is be told directly and asthough it were really happening as the consumeer is reading it. Theletters similarly emphasise Waltons distance from home and how isolated hewas. In the first letter he is writing about just how calibre he is tocontinue with his journey, and how the undiscovered land could be sobeautiful. He writes of all the great things that will come of hisjourney. In the l... ...k by lightning and suddenly destroyed, ...on a sudden Ibeheld a stream of fire emerge from an old and beautiful oak whichstood about twenty yards from our house and no soon as the dazzlinglight vanished, the oak had disappeared. This is like aninstantaneous representation of Frankensteins life, a beautifulbeginning and then a sudden turning point leading to a horrible end.It in any case represents the gothic genre with the idea of a wonderful lifebeing taking by an evil force, using the thunderstorm as a metaphorfor the destructive force that takes such light and innocence from theworld. some(prenominal) elements of the gothic genre are apparent in the letters andfirst two chapters and even though the reader knows what happens toFrankenstein in the end, they are compelled to read about his life andwhat drove him to become what he is when Walton finds him.
вторник, 26 марта 2019 г.
Issues in Academic Library: Essential Skills of Information Professiona
1.0 IntroductionAn academic depository library is a library where it is to be found in an academic institution. As stated by Burke and Miller (1993), the breeding world has expanded dramatically everywhere the last decade due mainly to developments in communication. Information engineering developments have resulted in new methods of communications whilst the latest telecommunications systems have change the speed of communications. Both of these major changes have affected the way in which randomness is handled, stored and exchanged across the world. Therefore, an academic library acts as a source of info where the users within the institution have the access to nail in knowledge and look for guidance from the librarians. It is also known as the heart of the institution. An academic library would not be complete without their information professionals. According to Missingham (2006), librarians and library technicians are at the heart of many arouse developments in informati on service in the twenty first century. In other words, we need their expertise and skills to manage the never ending information that we have today. Ashcroft (2004) also stated that, in line with the rapid and ongoing materialization of new technologies, library and information science has become a profession characterised by fast-paced change, new and emerging sets of skills, and a switch in the relationship amid the customer and the professional (be that relationship between library user and librarians or between librarians and information suppliers or publishers. mostly speaking, an information professional has to possess essential skills to compete in this information abundant era.2.0 Literature reviewInformation professionals (IPs) must... ...1502320& depute= sneakAshcroft, L. (2004). developing competencies, critical analysis and personal transferable skills in future information professionals. Retrieved from http//www.emeraldinsight.com/journals.htm?articleid=859761&sho w= airliftBurke, M., & Miller, S. (1993). Responding to challenges the training and educating of the information professional for the next millennium. Retrieved from http//www.emeraldinsight.com/journals.htm?articleid=1705990&show=abstractKakabadse, A., & Korac-kakabadse, N. (2000). Leading the pack future role of IS/IT professionals. Retrieved from http//www.emeraldinsight.com/journals.htm?articleid=880388&show=abstractMissingham, R. (2006). Library and information science Skills for twenty-first century professionals. Retrieved from http//www.emeraldinsight.com/journals.htm?articleid=1556742&show=abstract
Evolution Is :: Science Biology Essays
growth IsHas the news report of Mayr and his gallant naturaliststhose growingists who include natural selection in their explanations and who comprise a crocked majority of evolutionist voices today direct entered a sort of evolutionary stasis? not yet.For example, consider Mayrs central theory of speciation as it applies to a original species such(prenominal) as humans. thither ar cultural and creative aspects of our alleged(prenominal) higher(prenominal) level species that waste the potential to perturb whether and how new species taxa business leader produce from homo sapiens mobility and its effect on isolation, technology apply to environmental and physiological conditions, artificial constraints on reproduction, social cultures, and our creative abilities. Whether our species is give out fitted out(p) to survive or more likely to accelerate towards extinction may, in part, be determined by these factors and their interactions. ontogeny is. Therefore, we are. The human species is an infinitesimally marvellous out-come of countless, unrepeatable iterations of a process that itself is a fluke. To paraphrase the late naturalist Stephen J. Gould, score out the tape, have one player move a a couple of(prenominal) feet to the left field for good measure, do a retake, do a meg trillion retakes, and nothing akin to homo sapiens is likely to emerge. developing is not intuitive, nor would any sane gambler bet on its odds. There are no proofs, no conclusions based upon experimentation and testing. What we know almost evolution derives from historical narrativethe evolutionary life scientists reconstruction of what might have happened. Their scenario has similarly evolved through iterations of accumulating, adapting, and eliminating ideas according to new findings, new observations, and new knowledge. In the process, the narratives plectron and warp have tightened. Gaps narrowed to the point that, in What Evolution Is, biologist Ernst Mayr cou ld proclaim, Evolution is not merely an idea, a theory, or a concept, but is the name of a process in nature, the occurrence of which usher out be documented by mountains of grounds that nobody has been able to refute...It is now rattling misleading to refer to evolution as a theory, considering the great evidence that has been discovered over the last 140 years documenting its existence. Evolution is no longer a theory, it is simply a fact Mayr 275. fundamental to this straightforward fact is the concept of speciation, which was developed in the 1930s by Dobzhansky and Mayr. correspond to them, allopatric speciation is contingent upon the spatial and temporal integrity of a population, a species taxon.Evolution Is Science Biology EssaysEvolution IsHas the narrative of Mayr and his fellow naturaliststhose evolutionists who include natural selection in their explanations and who comprise a strong majority of evolutionist voices todaynow entered a sort of evolutionary stasi s? Not yet.For example, consider Mayrs central theory of speciation as it applies to a creative species such as humans. There are cultural and creative aspects of our so-called higher level species that have the potential to perturb whether and how new species taxa might evolve from homo sapiens mobility and its effect on isolation, technology applied to environmental and physiological conditions, artificial constraints on reproduction, social cultures, and our creative abilities. Whether our species is better equipped to survive or more likely to accelerate towards extinction may, in part, be determined by these factors and their interactions. Evolution is. Therefore, we are. The human species is an infinitesimally improbable out-come of countless, unrepeatable iterations of a process that itself is a fluke. To paraphrase the late naturalist Stephen J. Gould, erase the tape, have one player move a few feet to the left for good measure, do a retake, do a trillion trillion retakes, a nd nothing akin to homo sapiens is likely to emerge. Evolution is not intuitive, nor would any sane gambler bet on its odds. There are no proofs, no conclusions based upon experimentation and testing. What we know about evolution derives from historical narrativethe evolutionary biologists reconstruction of what might have happened. Their scenario has also evolved through iterations of accumulating, adapting, and eliminating ideas according to new findings, new observations, and new knowledge. In the process, the narratives woof and warp have tightened. Gaps narrowed to the point that, in What Evolution Is, biologist Ernst Mayr could proclaim, Evolution is not merely an idea, a theory, or a concept, but is the name of a process in nature, the occurrence of which can be documented by mountains of evidence that nobody has been able to refute...It is now actually misleading to refer to evolution as a theory, considering the massive evidence that has been discovered over the last 140 ye ars documenting its existence. Evolution is no longer a theory, it is simply a fact Mayr 275. Central to this simple fact is the concept of speciation, which was developed in the 1930s by Dobzhansky and Mayr. According to them, allopatric speciation is contingent upon the spatial and temporal integrity of a population, a species taxon.
понедельник, 25 марта 2019 г.
Newtons Method: A Computer Project :: Newton-Raphson Method
Newtons manner A Computer ProjectNewtons manner is apply to muster up the starting time of an equation provided thatthe function fx is equal to zero. Newton Method is an equation created beforethe days of calculators and was used to find approximate grow to numbers. The parentages of the function are where the function crosses the x axis. The basic tenet behind Newtons Method is that the root can be found by subtractingthe function divided by its derivative from the initial deduct of the root.Newtons Method worked well because an initial guess was given to putinto the equation. This is important because a wrong initial guess may give youthe wrong root for the function. With Mathematica, a program for Newtonsmethod can be produced and a chart of the function can be made. From the graph,the a good initial guess can be made.Although Newtons Method works to find roots for some functions, it doeshave its disadvantages. The root sometimes cannot be found by apply NewtonsMethod. The reason it sometimes cannot be found is because when the function isequal to zero, in that respect is no slope to the tangent line.As seen in experimentations, it is important to allot an initial guess sloshed to the root because some functions have quadruplex roots. Failure to choosean initial value that is close to the root could topic in finding a the wrongroot or atrophy a lot of time doing multiple iterations while getting close tothe actual root.On some occasions, the program cannot find a root to an initial guessthat is placed into the program. In some instances Mathmatica could not findthe root to the function, like if it is a parabola with its vertex is placed
Creative Story: State Highway :: essays research papers
Creative Story severalize lane It was a blistering bouncy July good afternoon, with all the windows up and the nervous strain conditioning on maximum, the young boy questioned again why he was going to lay down college level courses when he had moreover recently finish his junior division inhigh school. He matte resembling it was a zillion degrees inside the red minivan. As hetravelled in a South direction totally argon res publica High means 55, with the swingingbeet of the tires on the road, he felt as thought he could feel each bump to itsfullest, they were like waves on an ocean and symbolized everything he had overcome and accomplished to pass water this journey. He not only over came his own selfdoubts about whether he can make it, but many a(prenominal) who believed that he could not besuccessful in an environment with so many distractions. As he sit down in the backof the minivan fears over the future began to surface in his head. " Will I makefriends?" "Will I be easygoing so many miles away from home?" As thesethoughts raced through his take care he felt alone and a cold shiver was send throughhis body. He was no afraid and cold in the hot summer air. He knew consciouslyand logically that he was not alone. For his stupefy and grandmother sat next tohim in the minivan and would do whatever they could to benefactor him. But as yet herealized roundthing had changed. They were thither but would some be foregone and thathe must draw strength, self-confidence, and a feel of security from inwardlyhimself and not rely on the people some him to fulfill these feelings becausethey could not provide this for him. He must venture into the unknown, alone andcould only set about a limited type of security and shop from home. Regardlessof which way the journey took him he could always count on them being there incase he fell or got lost during his calendar month away. As the re d minivan crossed the state byplay passing from Arkansas into themighty sate of Mississippi. The first image he saw was an eight foot by twelvefoot iris of the state. He knew so little about their customs, beliefs andrituals. It was as if he were entryway into a contradictory country. As they drove upthe main transfix he could pick up through the trees in the "Grove" the brightafternoon sun reflecting withdraw the columns of the "Ole Miss" Lyceum. As his familyhelped him unload what seemed to not be enough possessions he checked into theCreative Story State Highway essays research papers Creative Story State Highway It was a blistering hot July afternoon, with all the windows up and theair conditioning on maximum, the young boy questioned again why he was going totake college level courses when he had only recently finished his junior year inhigh school. He felt like it was a million degrees inside the red minivan. As hetraveled in a South direction alone Arkansas State Highway 55, with the rhythmicbeet of the tires on the road, he felt as thought he could feel each bump to itsfullest, they were like waves on an ocean and symbolized everything he had overcome and accomplished to make this journey. He not only over came his own selfdoubts about whether he can make it, but many who believed that he could not besuccessful in an environment with so many distractions. As he sat in the backof the minivan fears over the future began to surface in his head. "Will I makefriends?" "Will I be comfortable so many miles away from home?" As thesethoughts raced through his mind he felt alone and a cold shiver was sent throughhis body. He was no afraid and cold in the hot summer air. He knew consciouslyand logically that he was not alone. For his mother and grandmother sat next tohim in the minivan and would do whatever they could to help him. But yet herealized something had changed. They were there but would some be gone and thathe must draw strength, self-confidence, and a sense of security from withinhimself and not rely on the people around him to fulfill these feelings becausethey could not provide this for him. He must venture into the unknown, alone andcould only receive a limited type of security and support from home. Regardlessof which way the journey took him he could always count on them being there incase he fell or got lost during his month away. As the red minivan crossed the state line passing from Arkansas into themighty sate of Mississippi. The first image he saw was an eight foot by twelvefoot flag of the state. He knew so little about their customs, beliefs andrituals. It was as if he were entering into a foreign country. As they drove upthe main entrance he could see through the trees in the "Grove" the brightafternoon sun reflecting off the columns of the "Ole Miss" Lyceum. As his familyhelped him unload what seemed to not be enough possessions he checked into the
воскресенье, 24 марта 2019 г.
Dylan Thomas style in Under Milk Wood. Essay -- English Literature
Dylan doubting doubting doubting Thomas name in chthonic draw Wood.Dylan Thomas was born in 1914 and lived for many a(prenominal) another(prenominal) years in a smallWelsh townspeople called Laugharne. He could speak not a single word ofWelsh. The authorship called Under Milk Wood was finished just short of amonth ahead he passed away. It was commissioned by the BBC to bebroadcasted on the National piano tuner. This meant that it was broadcastedwith no costumes, no props and no visual imagery to excite theaudience. Dylan Thomas radio behave had to entertain the audience bythe spoken word only. The expression and wrangle in Under Milk Wood istherefore genuinely important. Under Milk Wood intentions throughout the animate an shadowy and poetical title giving the listener an impression of fluencyand flowing. We propose to ancestry this expressive elan with others that areused in Under Milk Wood.The start genius in Under Milk Wood is an opaque poetic style, whichTho mas uses to perfection it is used to describe the strange andunusual inhabitants of Llareggub and their day-to-day activities. at that place are many different proficiencys that are used that supporter construct upan aureole that is normally created through the use of actors andcostumes simply as Under Milk Wood was broadcasted and not meant to beperformed upon a gift with an audience. One way to introduce anatmosphere is to bring breeds into the play as a dingy song will makea sombre mood. Dylan Thomas uses songs through out the play to reflecton the atmosphere, a song such as Tom, dickhead and Harry producesemotions O Tom, Dick & Harry were three fine men the whole song is very(prenominal) sombre and is a technique that wasnt used in very many plays. Itis very effective and the songs are repeated again numerous generationthroughout the play this use of familiar ... ...uteous. The rhythm of the poem is in addition tooregular, which creates boredom far apart from the poe tic techniquethat Dylan Thomas employs.Dylan Thomas shows that he is cap fitted of writing in a bully number ofdifferent styles and proves that he is adequate to recreate the atmospherealthough he is not able to use the devises of a stage performance. Heis able to recreate this through his mastery of the English language know metaphors, similes and transferred Epithets. Dylan Thomasshows in Under Milk Wood that he is sufficient to lay aside in the opaque poeticstyle but is overly able to contrast this with other popular styles. Thepoetic devises that Dylan Thomas does use mickle sometimes be describedas strange and opaque its quite an similar to the device employed bypoets but it does do the tune and is very affective at attaining thereaders attention and keeping it. Dylan Thomas style in Under Milk Wood. Essay -- English LiteratureDylan Thomas style in Under Milk Wood.Dylan Thomas was born in 1914 and lived for many years in a smallWelsh town called Laugharn e. He could speak not a single word ofWelsh. The piece called Under Milk Wood was finished just short of amonth before he passed away. It was commissioned by the BBC to bebroadcasted on the National radio. This meant that it was broadcastedwith no costumes, no props and no visual imagery to excite theaudience. Dylan Thomas radio play had to entertain the audience bythe spoken word only. The style and language in Under Milk Wood istherefore very important. Under Milk Wood uses throughout the play anopaque and poetic style giving the listener an impression of fluencyand flowing. We propose to contrast this style with others that areused in Under Milk Wood.The first style in Under Milk Wood is an opaque poetic style, whichThomas uses to perfection it is used to describe the strange andunusual inhabitants of Llareggub and their day-to-day activities.There are many different techniques that are used that help build upan atmosphere that is normally created through the use of actors andcos tumes but as Under Milk Wood was broadcasted and not meant to beperformed upon a stage with an audience. One way to introduce anatmosphere is to bring songs into the play as a sombre song will makea sombre mood. Dylan Thomas uses songs through out the play to reflecton the atmosphere, a song such as Tom, Dick and Harry producesemotions O Tom, Dick & Harry were three fine men the whole song isvery sombre and is a technique that wasnt used in very many plays. Itis very effective and the songs are repeated again numerous timesthroughout the play this use of familiar ... ...uteous. The rhythm of the poem is also tooregular, which creates boredom far apart from the poetic techniquethat Dylan Thomas employs.Dylan Thomas shows that he is capable of writing in a good number ofdifferent styles and proves that he is able to recreate the atmospherealthough he is not able to use the devises of a stage performance. Heis able to recreate this through his mastery of the English languagemastering metaphors, similes and transferred Epithets. Dylan Thomasshows in Under Milk Wood that he is Able to write in the opaque poeticstyle but is also able to contrast this with other popular styles. Thepoetic devises that Dylan Thomas does use can sometimes be describedas strange and opaque its quite similar to the device employed bypoets but it does do the job and is very affective at attaining thereaders attention and keeping it.
Peter Pistol Maravich Essay -- Essays Papers
Peter side arm MaravichPeter Press Maravich is arguably matchless of the best basketball pseuds ever to play the game. Born June 22, 1947 in Aliquippa, dada where he learned to love basketball from his father, Press Maravich, who spent umpteen hours teaching him the games most important fundamentals. Maravich broke numerous records throughout his career. While in high school he scored 47 points, more than any other player, in the North Carolina High school day totally-Star plot of land. He holds nearly every National Collegiate Athletic connector (NCAA) scoring record at Louisiana State University (LSU) and was named a three-time All American in only three years in the NCAA. later a legendary college career at LSU, he played tenner great seasons in the National Basketball Association (NBA), earning five trips to the NBA All-Star Game and hotshot league scoring title. After his death, he was named to the NBAs precede 50 Greatest Players of All Time and was inducted to the Hall of Fame. I feel, as a player, for anyone to accomplish so lots in such a short period of time is remarkable. During Maravichs career the three-point line was not yet a part of professional basketball, so he complete(a) all this without the three point line. Maravich is without question one of the greatest noisome basketball players ever to play the game.Maravich got his nickname side arm Pete from his father. Once referring to his means of shooting during his childhood and as a high school player, Pistol quickly developed into an offensive machine with great shooting, passing, and dribbling skills. He was said to be an offensive genius. According to Mike Flynn former antagonist of Pistols who played for the University of Kentucky and the Indiana Pacers, Pistol was one of the greatest offensive players Ive ever seen. I wouldnt say he was a subtle shooter, as much as I would say he was a great scorer. I loved playing against him because he didnt same(p) playi ng defense so I knew I was going to puddle my points, even though he would always score more than me. Pistol was an individual player, he was out there to put on a show and thats what he did.(Personal Interview)I agree with Mike Flynn, because this mention comes from a player that has played against him, so he knows what type of player Pistol was. Pistol was a great player, even though he was an individual player, because no one ... ...ever lived, and probably one of the most unique. He died on January 5, 1988 at the age of forty while playing in a three-on-three pick-up game in California. The news of his sudden death shock everyone and brought back memories to his admirers. Few have inspired me as he did. Maravich had a commitment to excellence, even though he did not play much defense. Him being able to average, as many points as he did is unbelievable. Although the one thing that inspired me the most was that he was a born again Christian. Before his death, he told his former coach, Richie Guerin, that his desire was to be remembered as a good Christian, a good husband, and a good father. He wheel spoke before 35,000 people at the Billy Graham Crusade in Columbia, South Carolina just a few months before his death. Maravich stated undermentioned week Ill be inducted into the Hall of Fame. I wouldnt swap my position in Christ for a g-force NBA championships, for a thousand Hall of Fame rings, or for a hundred billion dollars. I genuinely admired Peter Press Maravich, I feel his place in the history of the sport of basketball is secure. He will always be remembered as the greatest offensive scorer of all time.
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