среда, 12 декабря 2018 г.
'Differences Between Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Junior Essay\r'
' of all time since the beginning of Afri ignore slavery in the States there has been debate over whether slavery is case or immoral. Beginning in 1896 black rights leadership began to appear in the U. S. Two of the most powerful and famous advocators of black rights were Martin Luther world-beater Junior and Malcolm X. Although their stopping point of equality between all races is the same their approaches to achieving this remainder are different. The main differences between the two leaders are that King achieved his goal by means of unaggressive and moving speeches about equality, while Malcolm was a unfastener of those who were of the superior white race.\r\nThe main differences in their approaches to discrimination can stem from their different childhoods. King was from a prominent family in the area of Atlanta who had pornographic up with excellent schooling. King skipped two grades and went to an ivy League school at the age of 15 and received the finest education throughout his life. Malcolm grew up with no schooling and was virtually unknown before he began to travel around advocating black rights. Malcolm also suffered through tragedies in his life that scarred.\r\nMalcolm’s father ill-treat his mother and she abused her eight children. Then Malcolm’s father was murdered and his mother suffered a division and, as a result, his family was forced to be dissipate up. Their approaches to discrimination were grounded on their childhood which results in the commodious differences between them. Malcolm had a bitter desire to outsmart back at the world that he tangle he had been mistreated by. Luther grew up in a peaceful, loving environment and this showed through his non-violent protest movements.\r\nbeyond their childhood their viewpoints were also influenced by their religions. Martin was a Baptist empyreal who reached out to people while he was at his church. His beliefs were in the social gospel. However, King also ben eficial â€Å" ad hominemism. †Personalism is defined as the theological concept that emphasizes the personal nature of God and importance as compassionate personality as a reflection of that nature. Malcolm believed in the Islamic religion which condemned whites and showed them no mercy.\r\nMalcolm and Martin also followed the example of two different role models. Malcolm was influenced by Elijah Muhammad and his organization, the soil of Islam. Elijah taught Malcolm that the white man is the â€Å"devil†and that blacks are the real rulers of the world. Martin revered Gandhi for his way of seeking patience and non-violence. Gandhi was a famous religious leader who led a non-violent retaliation against British imperialism in India. Gandhi taught Martin that it is good to contract a fight without each physical contact.\r\n two Malcolm and Martin reflected the viewpoints of their leaders in the way they led their protests. Martin Luther King Junior used non-violen t protesting, passive resistance, and â€Å"weapons of love†to watch his followers when fighting for equal rights. His approach can most easily be seen from his famous â€Å"I Have a Dream,†speech where he wheel spoke eloquently about his dream for blacks and whites being together with no tensions between them. Martin once quoted, â€Å"A debauch is the language of the unheard.\r\nMartin means that riots will get you nowhere, if you beseech to be heard grab people’s attention through simple, peaceful actions. Malcolm was a segregationist, booster dose of segregation, until his pilgrimage to Mecca. Malcolm also was willing to use any means necessary to gain equality for his people. He believed the only way blacks could gain true granting immunity was through revolution and force. Besides their approaches to achieving equality their feelings on the Civil Rights Movement are different. Martin Luther had a compulsory effect convertible to the way he del ivered his point.\r\nHe changed the perception towards equal freedom by introducing a new viewpoint with his â€Å"I grant a Dream,†speech. His death also led to the act of the civil rights legislation in 1968. Most significantly though Martin Luther King Junior gave his people the potentiality and courage to stand up to their persecutors. Malcolm was murdered similar to King but his death had no effect on the civil rights movement. Instead of a positive effect on the world he advance protest and riots and more importantly instilled black pride.\r\n'
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