понедельник, 2 сентября 2019 г.
Music Speech :: essays research papers fc
Do you sing at the top of our lungs daily in your car on the way to school, in the shower, or while cleaning your house? Music is a way of life. It is a worldwide language that we can all share in and enjoy. Music is my passion. I’ve been actively involved in choirs, musicals, private lessons, and other musical performances for almost all my life. I don’t think most people realize how important music is to education, work skills, and communication. The fundamentals of learning are instilled into a child at a very young age. Research has shown that involvement in music programs improves a child’s early cognitive development and basic math and reading abilities. There are schools attempting to eliminate teaching musical arts to our children. The board of education claims they must provide education by concentrating on the basic academic courses, but what they don't realize is that music is a major part of basic education. Music as a separate and thorough curriculum can have dramatic positive changes in the learning process of young people. They call it "musical math," in which the teacher incorporates rhythm with counting and gaining a grasp on the fundamentals of math. With the rhythm, they are able to learn basic elements of math like fraction and multiplication. American children are lagging behind in their math and science abilities as compared to their foreign counterparts and music could be just the ca talyst we need to catch up. Successful music students tend to possess the qualities and skills that are generally considered essential to employers in business, education and service organizations. Learning music takes extreme self-discipline and creativity. It has been shown to raise self-esteem and make society more confident in their abilities. It is an easy outlet to release frustrations to get rid of the burden on your shoulders. It uplifts and motivates the spirit and gives people a more positive outlook on life and situations. It is important to cut down on stress in our daily lives and any way that we can do that is beneficial to our health in some way or another. Musical groups such as choir, orchestra or band help bring people together as well as improving communication skills, group work, and forming peer groups. Music creates a higher standard of performance of people. Normal people settle for the standard 90%, but in a musical setting, a performance of only 90% would be very disappointing to t he performer and the audience.
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