вторник, 26 мая 2020 г.
What You Must Know About American Pride Essay Samples
What You Must Know About American Pride Essay Samples Lies You've Been Told About American Pride Essay Samples Pride is normally connected with positive social behaviors like helping others and outward promotion. Lincoln once said, the wild lands of the nation ought to be distributed so that each man ought to have the means and opportunity of benefitting his problem. The cost of an essay depends upon the quantity of effort the writer has to exert. It is very important to lay out quotes correctly because it shows you're professional of what you're doing. You should have your reasons, and our principal concern is that you wind up getting a great grade. If you imagine you're a lawyer in court seeking to demonstrate your point of view about a book, which may help to set the correct tone. The standard of an agency's services should be quite high and its guarantees ought to be firm. The most frequently encountered paper writing service that the bulk of our clients require is essay writing. Our business is run through an administrative and management group, who co-ordinate the incoming orders. Last, the manufacture and distribution of firearms by American businesses produce economic advantages. Get the Scoop on American Pride Essay Samples Before You're Too Late There's an ongoing public debate about the problem of German patriotism. Order and emphasis will be contingent on bias of question. The principal or topic sentence is going to be the very first line in your essay. After the World Cup, but the field of patriotism became again as hard as it had been before. In these paragraphs, you should offer sound arguments about the idea you've expressed. The very first criterion is the range of paragraphs. Utilize your outline to assist you compose the paper. The last segment is ordinarily the Conclusion. The Hidden Treasure of American Pride Essay Samples The key issue is to be selective in how you use the text. The very first and imperative think is to consider your thesis statement. To muster a brilliant literary essay you've got to possess two vital traits a profound understanding of a specific work and creative thinking. To the contrary, it can likewise be quite interesting to work on only when you have good topic in your hands since it is thought of as the backbone of an evaluative essay. You may make an amazing essay by taking a look at a classical work from the view of a recent philosophy. In the event the question is all about technique, talk about the way that it impacts the others-one per paragraph. Continue reading this short article to learn the most crucial tips. Now, here comes the most essential part. You might choose to compose a book analysis as a way to think critically about the bit of literature and determine your literary preferences. So, dividing the range of words by 250 you'll get the true number of pages paid. The revisions are completely free! Write notes about the beneficial and negative facets of the book. Indicate the facets of the book you plan to address. Algorithmic art is often known as computer-generated art. The development of the language. Developing a criterion for the evaluation essay topic together with the effective judgment from the face of the author is the fundamental requirement of an evaluation essay. After grasping the meaning of what's a literary analysis essay, it's necessary for you to read the bit of literature in question many times. The very first step is to choose a suitable topic when you're creating an essay on Literature. The procedure might be analytical or preparative. Attempt to clearly understand how each part works It can help to try to spot the links between the numerous facets of the topic. Let's get going with a streak of process analysis essay topics that will help you on your way to a great process analysis essay.
воскресенье, 17 мая 2020 г.
Schindlers List by Steven Spielberg - 746 Words
Good morning/afternoon, today I will be analysing a scene from Steven Spielberg’s master piece film Schindler’s List. Movie extraordinaire Steven Spielberg, who is a world renown director of countless memorable films, show cases his incredible skill and compelling power towards the audience, without using any dialogue in the most pivotal character development scene in Schindler’s List. Referred too, by the audience as ‘The girl in red’. Before I delve in to the depths of this scene and why it is so significant to the film, it is important I outline the story of Schindler’s list. This film is all about Oskar Schindler; a successful business man, womanizer and member of the Nazi party. A true story, about a man making a living using Jewish workers in factories, producing anything from pots and pans too brass tank ammunition shells, during the height of WW2. Throughout the start of the film Schindler’s humanity is questionable leaving to audience to ponder whether or not he is a hero or just another Nazi using the Jewish people as an easy and free work force. This all changes about a third of the way through the film, when the audience witnesses our questionable hero’s fundamental change of heart for his Jewish working force and as discovered later on in the film, he spends more money than he can make trying to save them. What the audience witnesses, is of course the scene I am analysing. During a horse ride with Schindler’s partner, he stops on top of a hill looking down on aShow MoreRelatedSchindler’s List directed by Steven Spielberg, Oskar Schindler 669 Words  | 3 PagesA hero is a man who, in the opinion of others, is greatly admired for his brave deeds and fine qualities. A hero is a man who, in the opinion of others, is greatly admired for his brave deeds and fine qualities. In Schindler’s List directed by Steven Spielberg, Oskar Schindler is regarded as a great hero amongst many Jews regardless of the fact that he is a German Nazi, because he saves the generations and lives of 1,200 Jews during the Holocaust. The Holocaust was the systematic mass murder of aboutRead More Schindler’s List, directed by Steven Spielberg and The Pianist, Directed by Roman Polanski1003 Words  | 5 PagesSchindler’s List, directed by Steven Spielberg and The Pianist, Direc ted by Roman Polanski The holocaust is seen as a time of horror, filled with brutal, inhuman actions carried out by the Nazi party. Schindler’s List, directed by Steven Spielberg, is one of the most realistic movies to show the gruesome shock of the concentration camps and torture of Jews. Spielberg captured the true essences of what pain was during World War Two. In 2002, Roman Polanski came out with The Pianist, a movie thatRead MoreSpielberg s List And Roman Pola Ä ¹Ã‚Æ' Ski s The Pianist1366 Words  | 6 Pagesmovies. Steven Spielberg’s Schindler’s List and Roman PolaÅ„ski’s The Pianist are both praised by films critics for their cinematic achievements; however, they often face critical reception by Holocaust scholars, and for good reason. Both films take place in Europe during the Holocaust and take the audience through the experiences of a few individuals. Moreover, both films are based on true stories and present the Holocaust experience of the characters with hi storical accuracy. Schindler’s List tellsRead MoreThe Story Of Schindler s List1206 Words  | 5 PagesThe novel Schindler’s List written by Thomas Keneally and the film recreated by the award winning director Steven Spielberg is known to be one of the most â€Å"amazing portrayals of the Holocaust†(Marks and Torry). Many stated that when the novel was written, â€Å"Thomas Kineally wrote something much more powerful than just a biography, not only did he tell the story of a great Holocaust hero, but also at the same time it described dreadful horrors of World War II†(Marks and Torry). The story of Schindler’sRead MoreThe Portrayal Of Richard Kearney And The Negative Side Of The Holocaust996 Words  | 4 Pagesnarrative representations, especially film? Critics argue both sides of this question; some stating that the movie, Schindler’s List, trivializes the Holocaust; whereas, others defend the film. This paper will look at both si des of this argument; the positive side of Richard Kearney and the negative side of Claude Lanzmann. In regards to one positive critique of the film, Schindler’s List, Richard Kearney believes that â€Å"fiction can actually serve to bring out a truth that otherwise remains concealed†Read MoreLeadership in Schindlers List941 Words  | 4 PagesJulianne Felix Deguzman Leadership in Schindler’s List Leadership has played a valuable role throughout history in countless leaders and even followers. Although some of the greatest leaders in history lead for a more notorious cause, the leadership skills they conveyed and followed were key to the success of their goal and accomplishments. I believe Oskar Schindler was a great leader for many reasons because of how he dealt with the Nazi party during the Holocaust and how he adapted to changeRead MoreLesson From History: Schindlers List Essay740 Words  | 3 PagesSteven Spielberg’s movie Schindler’s List applies to the literary criticism, New Historicism. In many instances, this film portrays historical accuracies. The film compares to World War II history. Adolf Hitler’s extraordinary political power shows in this film. His corrupt and evil leadership and his actions and decisions cannot be rationalized or justified under any political power. Schindler’s List recovers history of a specific World Wa r II place and portrays real events. The Jews, singledRead More Steven Spielberg Essay1491 Words  | 6 PagesSteven Spielberg It is hard to imagine a person who has not heard of Steven Spielberg. He is one of the most renown, if not the most renown, American filmmakers of the century. His films have captivated and helped develop imaginations of contemporary society and remain among the most successful films ever made. Spielberg was born in Cincinnati on December 18th, 1946. His father was an electrical engineer, and his mother a concert pianist. Steven seemed to get the best elements from bothRead MoreSchindler s List Of The Holocaust Essay1635 Words  | 7 PagesSchindler’s List was one of the first critically acclaimed Holocaust films in the United States. Director Steven Spielberg set out to make a historically accurate film about Oskar Schindler, portrayed by Liam Neeson, and his Jews. It has been over 20 years since the film’s release and Schindler’s List continues to reign supreme when it comes to Holocaust films. However, this is not to say that the film has not been without controversy specifically surrounding the film’s historical accuracy. WhileRead MoreJews : A Religious Group Of People Originating From Israel1721 Words  | 7 PagesPentlin). In Schindler’s List, released by Universal Pictures in 1993, director Steven Spielberg accurately depic ts that through deportation, ghettos, labor camps, and war, by the end of the World War II the Nazis, whose goal was to exterminate all the Jews, have killed about six million of them. As a form of identification, Hitler forced all Jews to wear a yellow star or an armband, which eased their transfer into the ghettos and labor camps (Schindler’s List; Shyovitz). Schindler’s List exposes the
пятница, 15 мая 2020 г.
The Effects Of Peers And Friends On Social Development
Discuss the effects of peers and friends on social development in children and adolescents Social development is defined as the â€Å"ways in which individuals’ social interactions and expectations change across their life span†(American Psychological Association, 2014). Social development can also be said to be a way â€Å"to understand the social behaviour of individuals; why people do what they do†(Psychology Press, 2014). The social development of children and adolescents can be influenced by parents, peers and siblings. It has been shown that children with good peer relations exhibit better social development than those who do not. Therefore, it may be that there are links between social development and peer and friends influences. The†¦show more content†¦By the time the child is at 3 to 4, they would rather play with other children their own age, known as peers, than on their own. As peers can be defined as a companion, the bond between siblings may also be a peer influence. They are commonly the first peer relation children experience. Approximately 80% of children have siblings, so it is a large proportion of children that will have their first peer being their sibling. Reactions from older siblings towards the child can vary; from tolerance to resentment. Relationships between older children and siblings can be hostile, as the younger child will be receiving more attention than their older sibling, who then may feel pushed out (Martin, Carlson Buskist, 2013). Studies by Dunn and Kendrick (as cited in Martin, Carlson Buskist, 2013) have also found that mothers are not as attentive or affectionate towards their older children when their new baby is born. Teti’s research showed that an older child can often become more troublesome due to feeling less secure (as cited in Martin, Carlson Buskist). Sibling rivalry can arise, which is jealousy and compet itiveness between older and younger children, but the degree of this rivalry can depend on several factors, for example, how secure the older or younger child feels with its parents. A study by Dunn and Kendrick suggested that an older siblings’ reaction to the younger child
среда, 6 мая 2020 г.
Drama as a Means of Improving the Advocacy Skills of...
Drama as a Means of Improving the Advocacy Skills of Non-English-Speaking-Background Students Chamkaur Gill Faculty of Humanities Social Sciences Bond University, Australia cgill@staff.bond.edu.au This paper will discuss the problems facing overseas-Asian students who study law in Western universities and will deal with how drama can help improve their English-language oral-communication skills. A profile of the average student belonging to a high-context, relational culture will be provided with the aim of showing why such a student needs full-on immersion in oral English. An attempt will be made to suggest that the activities and materials employed by instructors using such a strategy can help lower students?affective†¦show more content†¦The general tone is one of harmony, a concept that one normally does not associate with law, given its adversarial traits. In anthropological terms, we are dealing with students who share a relational and collectivist philosophy, rather than one based on transactional or individualistic notions (Goh, 1996, 2002). They are reluctant to ‘open up?because of ‘social anxiety?(Sc hneier Welkowitz, 1996), thus limiting their participation in oral interaction. Even the body language they exhibit denotes appeasing and pacific behaviour. They are less inclined to communicate through touch, facial expressions or gestures (Willoquet-Maricondi, 1991). Such students can be said to be cautious about a loss of face. They tend to be easily affected by embarrassment when they make mistakes that are linguistic, paralinguistic or content-related. While there is no denying the fact that Western students, too, can get embarrassed, Asian students generally get into the ‘once bitten twice shy?mode more immediately than their Western counterparts. So, instead of facing the risk of being shamed, they would much rather limit their participation in the proceedings. The classroom behaviour of such students could be described as follows: 1. Reserved ?usually quiet or with limited participation during discussions; tend not to volunteerShow MoreRelatedFactors Affecting Motivation to Learn English25117 Words  | 101 PagesIN ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE AMONG CHINESE STUDENTS IN JOHOR BAHRU BY OOI CHOON LEAN MP061113 EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY 581225-07-5846 SUPERVISOR ASSOC PROF DR AZIZI HJ YAHAYA ii ABSTRACT There has been an ongoing debate about the importance of the English language. Employers are lamenting that new graduates these days lack communicative proficiency in English. The purpose of this study is to determine the factors which contribute to English proficiency in Chinese students in JohorRead MoreThe Impacts of Mncs in the Economy of Bangladesh14643 Words  | 59 Pages1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY In the age of capitalism the Multinational Companies are the part and parcel of the economy of a country.A Multinational Company is company which is originated in a country (home) and expands its activities through the world. The Indian Sub-continent has been an exquisite land of attraction for the businessmen since a long been.Bangladesh, after achieving birth in 1971 had become a fascinating body by the MNCs. As capitalization is going on through the world the MNCsRead MoreAn Assessment of the Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Nigerian Society: the Examples of Banking and Communication Industries18990 Words  | 76 Pagesat least socially responsible to its society. Today’s heightened interest in the role of business in society has been promoted by increased sensitivity to the 018 Univers. J. Mark. Bus. Res. awareness of environmental and ethical issues. It means our society has become increasingly concerned that greater influence and progress by firms has not been accompanied by equal effort and desire in addressing important social issues including problems of poverty, drug abuse, crime, improper treatmentRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 Pagesand prepare material for class. Chapter-by-chapter activities, including built-in pretests and posttests, focus on what you need to learn and to review in order to succeed. Visit www.mymanagementlab.com to learn more. DEVELOPING MANAGEMENT SKILLS EIGHTH EDITION David A. Whetten BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY Kim S. Cameron UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Prentice Hall Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich ParisRead MoreChildcare: Education and Subject Code Essay43120 Words  | 173 PagesAuthority (QCA) and ï‚ § an Access Validating Agency for „Access to H.E Programmes‟ licensed by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education Ascentis is therefore able to offer a comprehensive ladder of opportunities to centres and their students, including Skills for Life, Foundation Learning or Vocational programmes and progressing to QAA-recognised Access to H.E qualifications. The flexible and adult-friendly ethos of Ascentis has resulted in centres throughout the UK choosing to run its qualificationsRead MoreGp Essay Mainpoints24643 Words  | 99 PagesInstructables offer in-depth guides and resources over an incredible range of topic †¢ Easily edited rather than reprinted (e.g. Wikipedia freely create and edit info): completely dynamic resource, constantly evolving, updating, self-correcting, improving Not everyone has access to the Internet to begin with †¢ Computers, mobile devices such as phones can connect to Internet †¢ Suggest an increasingly wired world †¢ Restricted to developed countries, and particularly, those in the middleRead MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words  | 1056 PagesThis online teaching and learning environment integrates the entire digital textbook with the most effective instructor and student resources With WileyPLUS: Students achieve concept mastery in a rich, structured environment that’s available 24/7 Instructors personalize and manage their course more effectively with assessment, assignments, grade tracking, and more manage time better study smarter save money From multiple study paths, to self-assessment, to a wealth of interactive visualRead MoreManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words  | 862 Pagesby The McGraw−Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior written permission of the publisher. This McGraw−Hill Primis text may include materials submitted to McGraw−Hill for publication by the instructor of this course. The instructor is solelyRead More_x000C_Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis355457 Words  | 1422 PagesBrooks/Cole, a part of The Thomson Corporation. Thomson, the Star logo, and Brooks/Cole are trademarks used herein under license. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this work covered by the copyright hereon may be reprodu ced or used in any form or by any meansâ€â€graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, Web distribution, information storage and retrieval systems, or in any other mannerâ€â€without the written permission of the publisher. Thomson Higher Education 10 DavisRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 Pagesdid so during the eight decades that spanned the middle of the nineteenth century and the Great Depression of 1930.2 More immigrants entered the United States in a single year (1.3 million in 1907) than had done so in the 170 years between the English settlement of Jamestown in 1607 and the country’s independence. More Europeans entered the port of Buenos Aires alone in the three years preceding World War I than had come to the entire Spanish Empire during three centuries of colonial rule. And
Exploring the Moral Teachings and Life Goals Within...
Buddhism and Judaism are both rich with moral and ethical instructions that direct their followers on how to live and act. These teachings not only guide mankind in proper behavior, but also offer obedient believers a manner in which to end strife and suffering by achieving Nirvana which brings the end to the circle of rebirth in Buddhism, and in Judaism reaching the ultimate goal of deliverance and eternal salvation. This paper will explore the similarities and differences between Buddhist and Jewish moral teachings and compare both the Ten Commandments which were presented to Moses, and the Noble Eightfold Path that was taught by Buddha. While Buddhism does not worship any particular Deity, and is not a theistic religion in the same†¦show more content†¦God and Abraham made an agreement that Abraham would go forth and create what is now Judaism. Later with the exodus of the Jews from captivity in Egypt, God appeared to Moses on Mount Sinai and gave him the Ten Commandments which were the laws for his chosen people, the Jews. Unlike Buddhism, where the path is created by a man, the Ten Commandments were divinely given and became the laws of the people of Israel. While these two beliefs seem completely different on the surface, one natural and one divine, underneath they have very similar moral and ethical teachings that offer the hope of an end to earthly displeasures and an eternity without pain and suffering following a life of faithful service here on earth. These teachings come in many forms in the various writings and scriptures of each creed, but the two teachings mentioned previously will be the center of comparison in the following pages. The first four of the Ten Commandments are, â€Å"You shall have no other Gods before me†, â€Å"You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything†¦Ã¢â‚¬ , â€Å"You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God†¦Ã¢â‚¬ , and â€Å"Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.†(Exodus 20:3-8, TNIV) It would outwardly seem by these four commandments as if there was no similarity to be compared with the Eight Fold Path, these commandments talk of loyalty and obedience to God the creator, and honoring God and the seventh day when he rested following creation.Show MoreRelatedEssay about Exploring the Hindu Religion1627 Words  | 7 PagesExploring the Hindu Religion The statement everyone is a Hindu is an extremely broad one that is open to much interpretation. This owes partly to the fact that Hinduism itself is a broad and vast religion with many ways of following. In this paper I seek to explain that the statement everyone is a Hindu is a worthy one because Hindus have a sense of interconnectedness in all organisms and life on earth, and that the ultimate goal of a person is to join the rest of the universe in mokshaRead MoreBranches of Philosophy8343 Words  | 34 PagesEpistemology is concerned with the nature and scope of knowledge, and whether knowledge is possible. Among its central concerns has been the challenge posed by skepticism and the relationships between truth, belief, and justification. †¢ Ethics, or moral philosophy, is concerned with questions of how persons ought to act or if such questions are answerable. The main branches of ethics are meta-ethics, normative ethics, and applied ethics. Meta-ethics concerns the nature of ethical thought, comparisonRead MoreRastafarian79520 Words  | 319 PagesLumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Mumbai Nairobi Sà £o Paulo Shanghai Taipei Tokyo Toronto Oxford is a registered trade mark of Oxford University Press in the UK and in certain other countries Copyright  © 2003 by Ennis Barrington Edmonds The moral rights of the authors have been asserted Database right Oxford University Press (maker) All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior
Gambit Essay Example For Students
Gambit Essay GambitAs I sat down in front of my computer to begin writing this essay, the phone rang. It was my friend Chris, asking me if I wanted to go jet skiing with his family. I noticed that it was a beautiful day as I looked through the kitchen window. I pressed the phone tight against my ear as I contemplated weather a stress free day, an escape from the tedious Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, was worth 400 points. I thought to myself, Not doing a 400 point assignment means an F for the semester, which means hopes for good college opportunities are gone, and of course a good college leads to success. I want to be successful. With my mind made in a fraction of a second, I tell Chris that I cant go due to my essay. I just sacrificed my day of leisure and enjoyment for success. Ironically, Franklins Autobiography displays the same formula for success he sets for himself, and for others to fallow, that sacrifice is inevitable for success. Franklin in his youth sacrifices childhood dreams to his fathers ideals for success. Young Franklin wanted to go out to sea, but instead, his father placed him under an apprenticeship to his brother James, a printer. Later, in pursuit of a better job, he cheated James out of four years of free labor. This not only broke their contract, but their relationship as well. Even though Franklin did not care much for his brother, he still considered it a loss, and a Errata of my life. Yet their were better things in store for him elsewhere. In Pauls Case, the character Paul, like Franklin, finds success away from home. But in order to get there, Paul gave up his morals, family, and eventually his life to maintain his happiness in prosperity. To escape the dread and fear Paul felt at home, he stole $3000 from his employer to leave for New York. Paul is not a crook, but the pressures of leaving home, to find his own success causes him to set his morals aside. The family Paul left behind are not those who live on Cordelia Street, but those who work at Carnegie Hall and at the theater. That is where Paul considered his home. The music which emerged from there is what fueled Paul. When he learns that his father is looking for him in New York, and his supply of money is running low after living a few days of glamour and success, Paul realizes that it is all about to end. Paul makes the ultimate sacrifice, his life, so he would not have to return to his bitter life in Cordelia Street after a taste of happiness and success. Franklin later in life sacrificed his love life to success. He marries Deborah Read, but thinks nothing more of her that a good and faithful Helpmate. To deprive one of a basic necessity as love is a major sacrifice in ones life. Yet Franklin has no remorse about this, which means he does not regret the sacrifices he made to get where he was in life. Yet Andrew Carnegie, a self made multi-millionaire regrets the sacrifices he made to get to the top of the steel making industry. Carnegie was a ruthless business man. We must have ruined hundreds of other business man on the way to the top. But it wasnt until he was sitting on top of his steel empire that he regrets he sacrificed for his wealth at others expense. In an attempt to repent, Carnegie became a philanthropist, and built libraries and other establishments to benefit society. Franklins basic formula for success is hard work and honest dealings with others. In Dick Wittington and His Cat, the character Dick fallows those principles. Yet it seems impossible for Dick to rise in the world like he dreams of. Lucky to be employed, his boss, Mr. Fitzwarren asks Dick to give him his beloved cat. Dicks cat was the only thing that he had, but he did not want to possibly offend Mr. Fitzwarren by not taking his offer of sending something to the Barbary Coast to trade for profit. So wit h a heavy heart, Dick sacrifices his cat to Mr. Fitzwarren out of gratefulness for his job. Yet it seems that destiny rewards his hard work and honesty in life, for his cat is sold for a fortune. In my own beliefs, I would like to think that the road to success is much like Dick Wittingtons; that no matter under what conditions, hard work, honesty, and sacrifice will always be rewarded. Yet personally, I find that Franklins sacrifice of love is too extreme. In my life, I constantly find myself sacrificing my indulgences for eventual success. Yet if I were to sacrifice all my indulgences, and became a hermit with my studies, it would not be worth it. So as I wind down my essay, and reflect weather or not completing this assignment was worth a day of jet skiing, I have to say yes. This sacrifice is a gambit. It will be worth it one day. .u8fc79ecc99be242aacd2124c4f087610 , .u8fc79ecc99be242aacd2124c4f087610 .postImageUrl , .u8fc79ecc99be242aacd2124c4f087610 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u8fc79ecc99be242aacd2124c4f087610 , .u8fc79ecc99be242aacd2124c4f087610:hover , .u8fc79ecc99be242aacd2124c4f087610:visited , .u8fc79ecc99be242aacd2124c4f087610:active { border:0!important; } .u8fc79ecc99be242aacd2124c4f087610 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u8fc79ecc99be242aacd2124c4f087610 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u8fc79ecc99be242aacd2124c4f087610:active , .u8fc79ecc99be242aacd2124c4f087610:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u8fc79ecc99be242aacd2124c4f087610 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u8fc79ecc99be242aacd2124c4f087610 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u8fc79ecc99be242aacd2124c4f087610 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u8fc79ecc99be242aacd2124c4f087610 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u8fc79ecc99be242aacd2124c4f087610:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u8fc79ecc99be242aacd2124c4f087610 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u8fc79ecc99be242aacd2124c4f087610 .u8fc79ecc99be242aacd2124c4f087610-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u8fc79ecc99be242aacd2124c4f087610:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Aztecs (1473 words) EssayCategory: English
вторник, 5 мая 2020 г.
Methodology to improve organizational effectiveness free essay sample
A non-profit organization should use both qualitative and quantitative performance measures, based on the organization’s mission goals and objectives, to show financial and programmatic accountability in a transparent environment. Qualitative and quantitative research methods can be used in marketing, financial planning, fundraising and program research and evaluation. This paper will define and discuss these models as they relate to a non-profit organization. Examples of their application and benefits will be given with respect to the Employment Skills Center, a 501 (c)3 organization. Qualitative versus quantitative analysis When making decisions in a non-profit organization, there are two general approaches to problem solving: quantitative and qualitative. The quantitative approach uses mathematical reasoning involving numerical data and involves data collection using such methods as structured surveys and interviews and review of related documents. Qualitative research involves non-numerical information, such as in-depth interviews, focus groups, open-ended surveys and observation. Both have their place in research and analysis conducted in non-profit organizations. We will write a custom essay sample on Methodology to improve organizational effectiveness or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Effective use in non-profit organizations Using both qualitative and quantitative analysis, separately and/or together, to evaluate and improve the performance of an organization is critical to its success. Data that may be used with these methods include financial and operations data, marketing, communications and fundraising data, programs and outcomes data and external data (â€Å"The State of Non-profit Data†. 2012. ). Analyzing budget revenues, expenses and variances between projected numbers and actual numbers uses a quantitative method and is helpful in creating a more accurate budget. In addition to budgeting, the Employment Skills Center uses quantitative analysis in measuring outcomes for reporting to the Pennsylvania Department of Education and funder reporting. These outcomes include participation rates, program completion, educational gains, employment and retention and client demographics. Qualitative analysis is used to evaluate client needs and satisfaction in order to improve program services. It is also used in volunteer management and retention and staff development. Mixed methodology is useful in board evaluation, job performance reviews, fund development, marketing and communications and improving program effectiveness. Impact analysis is the cornerstone of non-profit sustainability and involves both quantitative and qualitative methodology. It allows you to find out what is and is not working in your organization. It shows your current and potential funders, and the community, what your organization does and how it benefits your clients and the community. It can help raise additional funds by providing evidence of the organizations effectiveness. It can improve staff effectiveness by identifying strengths and weaknesses. By looking at certain statistical data provided by the U. S. Census Bureau and the U. S. Bureau of Labor and statistics such as population projections, educational levels, unemployment rates and economic indicators we can evaluate the current need for services and use the data in grant applications, donor solicitations and community awareness.
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