среда, 30 октября 2019 г.
An introduction and conclusion for literature review in finance Essay
An introduction and conclusion for literature review in finance (preparing for my dissertation) - Essay Example USA Petrochemical Industry Despite of the rise in the global demand for the petrochemical products, the USA petrochemical industry is facing increasing competition in the petrochemical export market. With supply of the natural gas by using the comprehensive pipe line system to both receive the raw materials as well as to deliver the finished products. So, it is expected that the US petrochemical industry would revive sooner than the other competitors. Furthermore, economic trade group such as NAFTA would contribute further to its growth. Political & Legal Factors The petrochemical industry in USA is governed by several laws and regulations. The hazardous materials transportation act and the pollution prevention act are significant among these. According to the first act, the Department of Transportation gets the authority to control the transportation of such materials including the petrochemicals. Furthermore, the USA government has become increasingly active and concerned about the safety and environmental areas for this petrochemical transportation.
понедельник, 28 октября 2019 г.
Problems with Nazi Support Essay Example for Free
Problems with Nazi Support Essay Using your own knowledge and the evidence of the sources identify the problems we face when looking to identify Nazi support in the period up to 1933. In the 1932 Reichstag elections, the NSDAP became Germanys largest political party with approximately 37% of the total electoral vote. In contrast to the relatively small party of 1928, this was a dramatic rise in party popularity. What is even more interesting is how Hitler and the NSDAP did not usurp power in a military sense. Instead, Hitler was voted into power by millions of unsuspecting citizens from a range of sociological, economical and ideological backgrounds. However, due to this new consensus among modern historians (post -1980), the stress on the individual as oppose to the class has led to a more complex understanding of who essentially favoured the Nazi party; deeming it even harder to identify empirical evidence from sources. Initially, before 1928, the NSDAP had failed to make a significant impact in German politics and they were merely a group with little popular support. However, due to the collapse of the Wall Street Crash and the subsequent recall of loans back to the USA, unemployment had risen dramatically in Germany and latent discontent with the Weimar government was rife. The socio-economic dislocation caused by the Wall Street Crash began to deepen, which acted as the catalyst for the marked rise in those changing their political allegiance to the more radical political groups. These people included self employed businessmen, artisans, retailers, peasant farmers and industrial workers, who had previously voted for the other parties but had now turned to the Nazi regime who offered what the then current Weimar system could not. Therefore, traditionalist interpretations of the support held by historians such as Childers and Noakes assert that it was a combination of the petty bourgeoisie and Protestants who overwhelmingly represented the support for Nazis. As Childers states in his book entitled The Nazi Voter, being a Protestant in rural Germany greatly increased such a propensity, essentially stating that there was a specific trend of rural Protestants who fuelled the support for Hitler. However, Childer does acknowledge that the Nazi Party was a Volkspartei (Peoples Party) whose levels of support were actually from a broad range of social groups. In addition, Childer argues that when analysing this ambiguity, it is important to contextualise the provenance of the election polls and the specific grievances of those who [chose] the NSDAP to speak for them. For example, it is important to contextualise the extent of support acquired from the middle classes under the 2nd Reich, contrasting with the support fr om the new middle classes after the election. Dick Geary in his book entitled Who Voted for the Nazis? somewhat opposes the view of Childer, who basically argues that the timing of when a specific poll was made is arbitrary because of the lack of reliability in studying percentages. Hence, this is why many believe that modern opinion polls are necessary in the search for definitive evidence on the subject. Geary explains how in a particular county 28% of the artisans voted for Nazis. However, he argues that the difficulty lies in how the people who voted cannot be specified, as he states what if it [the votes] came from the farmers plus people in business, rendering the statistical evidence somewhat invalid. Other difficulties historians face involve the lack of depth to many contemporary foreign journals and accounts, which often neglect the question of who supported the Nazis. In order to gather evidence about why the individuals voted, one survey from Abel documents over 580 Nazi member autobiographies. Although still significant today, one potential problem which is discussed by the historian Brustein is how one cannot accurately surmise whether or not the individual actually believes in his/her sentiments towards voting for the Nazi party. In his book entitled The Logic of Evil, Brustein, from a modern perspective, argues that regardless of the idea of support gathering as a result of a peoples movement, the support was only an inch deep. In addition, Brustein asserts that all who voted fell under the underlying principles of dissatisfaction, resentment and fear; exposing the Nazi support to mere superficiality. This severe lack of genuine support for the Nazis even resounds in the opposition to the Hitler Youth; namely the Navajos, Pirates and the Black gang, who would attack anyone in the Hitler Youth because of their following of the Nazi regime. In the last twenty years, a number of problems have been countered when analysing the statistical methodology and sources of the Nazi era. This has inevitably given birth to the complex views proposed by Falter and Brustein, who posit that German workers were far more attracted to the Nazis than many have argued in the past. However, one fundamental issue that cannot be solved is the difficulty in measuring the honest thoughts of the German public and whether or not the lack of any pre-existing loyalties (political or religious) aided the Nazis significantly. Having said this, there is an overwhelming amount of evidence which still stresses that the Mittelstand and the Protestant communities voted disproportionately in favour of the Nazis more so than any other class.
суббота, 26 октября 2019 г.
The Conspiracy of Water Fluoridation Essay -- Conspiracy Theory, Fluori
Few object to the therapeutic use of fluoride to stop tooth decay, but fluoridation, the addition of fluoride to the public water supply, can spark avid controversy. Most dentists, medical groups, and government officials argue that fluoridation is a cheap and risk-free venture that doubles cavity prevention. In contrast, a small minority of dentists and conservative political groups argue that fluoride is a hazardous, poisonous substance that should not be consumed. Some antifluoridationists even claim that fluoridation is an untrustworthy form of socialized medicine. But rather than just attacking fluoridation as socialized medicine, opponents originally claimed that it was a conspiracy to poison or brainwash Americans through the water supply. This theory arose in the 1940s when the scientific community refused to endorse or reject fluoridation, thus allowing the debate to expand into the social sphere. While fluoridation opposition may be subconsciously inspired by naturali sm, the social development of fluoridation into a Communist or fascist conspiracy resulted from a conscious effort by conservatives to suppress a growing government. The fluoridation debate results from a visible conflict of paradigms; profluoridationists seek to protect the communal good, while antifluoridationists defend individual rights. According to William Gamson, â€Å"Antifluoridation literature is frequently concerned with†¦ intrusion of government into private realms and with violation of individual liberty and choice†(Gamson, 527). Such concerns are often embodied in the characterizations of fluoridation as mass medication and socialized medicine. One expression identifies water treatment as a violation of free choice while the other po... ...3 May 2003. Schrecker, Ellen. The Age of McCarthyism. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 2002. The Blue Book of the John Birch Society. Belmont, Massachusetts: Robert Welch, 1961. United States. House of Representatives. Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commence: Hearings on Fluoridation of Water. Washington, GPO, 1954. United States. House of Representatives. House Special Committee on Un-American Activities. Investigation of Un-American Propaganda Activities in the U.S. Volume 9. Washington, GPO, 1972. United States. Supplement to Cumulative Index to Publications of the Committee on Un-American Activities, 1955 through 1968. Washington: GOP,1970. Waldbott, George L. Fluoridation: the Great Dilema. Larwerence, Kansas: Coronado Press, 1978.
четверг, 24 октября 2019 г.
What is Information Society?
INTRODUCTIONThese days, like the headway in a personal computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone, and communication technology, the noteworthiness of data is frequently growing. The sharing and move of information in the all-inclusive scale are getting far more straightforward and the relationship among individuals is getting rather expanded in light of the fact that the reliably developing of new correspondence advancements. In an information society, particularly the information advancement, the techniques for media transmission and other electronic contraptions as said are used broadly. Also, the alterations in correspondence advances expect a gigantic part in social life and make new open entryways in the field of preparing. Data and correspondence innovation or known as ICT has transformed into a central bit of the general day by day presence of youths and grown-ups (Lydia, 2014). Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, WhatApps, and YouTube are the sorts of social media that go about as a most recent device for a quick and successful medium in appropriating and getting data (Manoj, 2017). The procedure of correspondence, for example, sharing data or learning knowledge should be possible effectively inside a couple of moments with the rise of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Skype, and so on (Trisha, 2012). Consequently, social media can interface individuals around the globe independent of contrasts and topographical limits. In Malaysia, the procedure of globalization has prompted the improvement of correspondence innovation quickly. This development will bring many changes to an individual, society, organization, and country. Recently, a statistic demonstrates that the number of social network users in Malaysia has increased from 2014 to 2022. In 2022, it is estimated that there will be around 20.42 million social network users in the country, up from 18.62 million in 2017 (Statista, 2018).BACKGROUND OF THE STUDYAccording to MCMC (2017), there were around 21.9 million social media users in 2016, of that 97.3% guaranteed that they claimed a Facebook account. Ownership of Instagram account (56.1%), YouTube (45.3%), Twitter (26.6%), LinkedIn (9.1%) and Tumblr (4.8%) saw an increase when contrasted with earlier year. Unexpectedly, YouTube has ranked at second as social media with the most user viewing website in Malaysia. YouTube is a video sharing service that enables users to watch recordings posted by other users and upload video of their own. The administration was begun as an autonomous site in 2005 and was procured by Google in 2006. The video that have been transferred to YouTube may show up on the YouTube website and can likewise be posted on other websites, however, the documents are facilitated on the YouTube server (TechTerms, 2009). One of the reasons why YouTube is so widely used is that YouTube included User Generated Content (UGC) features. According to Jose (2016), User Generated Content (UGC) is defined as any type of content that has been created and put out there by unpaid contributor or using a better term, fans. It is able to refer to photos, video, testimonials, tweets, blog post, and everything's in between and is the act of customers selling an emblem rather than the logo itself. People are actually capable of creating their own content material and take part in all types of applications together with WeBlogs, social networking, and online journalism. A few customers create online content on each day basis. They proportion their reviews and evaluations approximately everything; from product reviews, services and infant recommendation to boyfriend issues, homework, makeup and game tutorials. Frequently beginning as an interest, developing online content on a personal WeBlog or channel can become a fulltime process. By way of developing content material on a day by day basis, large communities are built up with lots of unswerving fans. New fans and subscribers are gained every day. YouTube is one of the most famous structures on which creators share their content. With one single video, it's miles possible to attain millions of people. Based on the research by Wilma (2016), the impact YouTubers have on the behavior of young adults is increasingly unparalleled. They are seen as function fashions and frequently recognized in the streets with the aid of their lovers. But, out of doors this online global, YouTubers are simply as normal as most of the people. Parents regularly do not recognize approximately the net behavior of their youngsters and the YouTubers that youngsters suggest. This results in puzzling moments when fans enthusiastically apprehend their favored YouTuber even as other humans do no longer understand who this unique YouTuber is.PROBLEM STATEMENTIn today's society, the lives of young people are indispensable to the Internet. It is the information and communications channel used. In the past, the use of the Internet only relied on a computer, now the Internet can be accessed using a smartphone that only has wireless Internet software. According to Muhamad (2017), Internet users in Malaysia are increas ing every year from 24.2 million people in 2015 to 24.5 million people in 2016 and the figure is expected to jump further in 2017. The increase in usage statistics was derived from Internet Users Review conducted by the Ministry of Communications and Multimedia where people were able to use the internet for four hours a day and 15.5% of consumers were teenagers under the age of 19 years. According to Bassridja (2009), teenager level is from 12-18 years old. According to Minderjeet (2016), Malaysians invest twofold the energy viewing YouTube than some other country on earth. The study completed a year ago demonstrated 92 for each penny of Malaysians effectively peruse their smartphones while staring at the television. â€Å"It likewise demonstrates they cherish YouTube,†said Sajith amid board talks on â€Å"So who watches YouTube in Malaysia ?†, here today. Malaysians matured somewhere in the range of 16 and 34 years of age watch the most YouTube recordings on a month premise. The review met 1,000 Malaysians matured 16 to 64 years on their YouTube seeing propensities crosswise over portable and work area gadgets; thinking about their favored survey times, session lengths, content classes and sharing propensities. (Minderjeet, 2016). According to Raja (2011), in the era of globalization, the use of the Internet can often change the patterns and lifestyles of teens. The use of long online media over the hours creates an addiction to users. Users are more fun, complacent, and negligent in their own world. They will be angry and being mad when they cannot serve online social media. This symptom will be felt to users who are too addicted to online media especially on YouTube. In a study commissioned by Defy Media, 63% of respondents matured between 13-24 said that they would attempt a brand or an item suggested by a YouTube content maker, though just 48% specified the same about a motion picture or TV star. In 2014, Variety charged a study asking U.S. adolescents matured 13-18 to decide the greatest influencers. In particular, they were requested to rank 20 prevalent identities in light of agreeability, credibility and other criteria, which the respondents regarded as parts of their general impact. In the last positioning, prevalent YouTubers possessed the main five spots with customary famous people like Jennifer Lawrence and Katy Perry agreeing to bring down positions. In 2015, the magazine appointed this examination once more. However, the outcomes have ended up being the same as the best six spots going to famous YouTube stars (Andrew, 2017). Hence, the many facilities available on the Internet provide many side effects to teenagers today. Obsessed teens with the use of online media are less focused on the lessons because their lessons are disrupted because there is no time to review. Additionally, the addiction to online media use also affects personal health and education, and even the country has also had a huge impact due to the unhealthy symptoms of app addiction that exists today. (Muhamad, 2017). In view of that, researchers have conducted a study to identify what influence YouTubers have on the teenager. The examination explores what changes in conduct happen, how young people relate to YouTubers and how YouTubers think about their impact on youngsters. Also, the meetings explore whether the life of a YouTuber truly is as excellent as it looks in their recordings and whether young people know how genuine everything in their recordings is. Along these lines, the examination question of this exploration is as following: â€Å"What job do YouTubers play in the life of their high school watchers and how do YouTubers evaluate their own particular impacts and encounters?†RESEARCH QUESTIONTo carry out the research on the impact of YouTubers in the lives of young viewers and how the YouTubers assess their impact and experience among the teenagers in Johor Bahru. There are several questions that formed to use as the guideline of the research. What role do YouTubers play in the life of their teenager's view? How do YouTubers assess their own influences and experiences?OBJECTIVEIn this study, there are some objectives to carry out on the roles of YouTubers and the influences of them among the teenagers in Johor Bahru.To identify YouTuber's role in the life of their teenager's view.To understand how YouTubers assess their own influences and experience.SCOPE AND LIMITATIONSThis study aims to see the phenomenon of the influences of YouTubers around teenagers in Johor Bahru. The study is focusing on teenagers who are studying, working and married that from 13 to 20 years old. This study also focusing on the teenagers who are specifically from Johor Bahru. They are multiracial teenagers with different lifestyles and backgrounds. Examples, the teenagers that selected for this study is 12 people where 3 of them are studying in secondary school, 3 of them are studying in high schools, 3 of them is from university or college, 1 of them is already working after SPM examination and another 2 informants is housewife. Besides, this study also focusing on the importance of the role of YouTubers in today's youth society. To make clear about teenagers view's on YouTuber. Consequently, the main focus of this study is on the influences of YouTubers among teenagers.SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDYIn conducting this study, there are some goals and preferred lines that are intended to benefit the purpose and to be a source of reference to society as well as to future studies. In general, this study is intended to study the influence of YouTubers among teenagers especially the age range is between 13 to 20 years old in Johor Bahru. The study also aims to examine today's issue for teenagers who are affected by YouTubers can be conta ined. In addition, the findings of this study have also brings benefited to parents. Through this study, the parents could know more about the behavior of their teenagers which influence by YouTubers and have a lot of information to advise the teenagers who are especially trapped in the influence of YouTubers on social media. The findings of this study are also expected to assist academicians to further explore factors and methods to address job status destabilization in society as well as to assist the school in particular to take appropriate action regarding this phenomenon.OPERATIONAL DEFINITIONIn this study, some terms in the appropriate context will be used for interpretation.YOUTUBERSResearchers have used the term YouTubers where the word YouTubers is familiar with among teenagers. In this research, the term YouTubers is referred to a person who uploads, produces, or appears in videos on the video-sharing website YouTube. Besides, YouTubers also know as someone who uploads YouTube videos, particularly someone who has somewhat of a fan base. Although it can mean anyone on YouTube, in this research, it specifically means someone who makes videos and already has their own channel or company.TEENAGERSIn addition, the term teenagers are also frequently used by researchers in this study. Teenagers are the transitions between children beginning with physical and mental maturity, between 13 and 20 years of age, as young adulthood. The teenagers at this stage will experience changes in their own bodies, they will develop their minds more openly, quickly attracted and easily emotionally aroused. Teenagers used in this context are teens who are involved in addicted to watching YouTube as well as teenagers who fall in admiration of Youtubers especially teenager secondary school, high school, university students and teenagers that is working after taking SPM examination.SOCIAL MEDIASocial media is a computer program that provides the function for people to communicate and exchange information on the Internet. It is also an Internet-based application g roup that builds on the basis of ideology and technology. Social media serves as a medium to connect through applications such as Facebook, Wechat, Whatapps and so on. Social media such as Youtube help teens to access YouTubers videos without restrictions. To understand more easily, it is necessary to know the media's intentions first. Media is one of the means of communication, for example, magazines, newspapers, and even radio. Generally, social media is an online medium with the use of the Internet and make people feel easy and convenient to communicate through social networks.
среда, 23 октября 2019 г.
Firefighting and Role Model
Ryan Derdak English 1A Cataldo M, W, F Career Essay Firefighting is a career that can make someone feel proud and accomplished. Being a firefighter requires physical fitness, experience, preparation, and the ability to deal with the job emotionally as well as physically. It’s also a career that is very well respected in society. I choose to be a firefighter, because I want to be able to help others, have benefits for my family, and be a role model for someone to look up to. To me, being a firefighter would be a dream come true.This career would give me the chance to be looked at, as one of America’s heroes. There is no better feeling then having the ability to help others when they’re in need. The main reason firefighters are so respected is because their one job is to put their lives on the line to save others. After seeing how the firefighters helped everyone during 9/11, I knew that this was the career for me. The ultimate pay of being a firefighter will be se eing the smiles, joy, and sigh of relief on people’s faces when I assist them in need.There are a lot of people out there who wouldn’t risk their lives for others, which is why only a select few can fulfill the requirements of this job. Having a job that has great benefits for my family and me is always a concern. Luckily the benefits of putting my life on the line do pay off. Becoming a firefighter has the potential for me to make up to $150,000 a year. Along with the great salary, it offers a great pension, lifelong medical coverage, growth opportunities, flexible work schedule, and up to four weeks paid vacation.More importantly then the finances, is having a flexible work schedule that can let me spend time with my family as well. Getting the chance to spend time with the family is the most important benefit because there’s no guarantee that I’m going to return home from the job safe and sound. In life everyone needs a role model to look up to. An inf luential role model in someone’s life can help determine what type of person someone they’re going to be when they get older.Firefighters are one of the best role models for kids to look up to, because firefighters are considered a hero in American society. There’s a reason why kids get excited when they see a fire truck, or why they go up to firefighters and ask for stickers. If I can influence at least one person by being a firefighter, I’ll know that I did something right in life. Becoming a firefighter isn’t just any job; it’s a job that I have a lot of respect for.Unfortunately the path to becoming a firefighter won’t be an easy task because it requires physical fitness, preparation, experience, and the ability to deal with the job emotionally. It would also allow me to help others, provide benefits for my family, and give me the chance be an influential role model for someone to look up to. Getting the chance to do this type of job and enjoy every moment is something that everyone should be allowed to experience in life. This is also a career that can better me as a whole. The day that I become a firefighter is the day I start a new adventure in my life.
вторник, 22 октября 2019 г.
A Strategic Marketing Plan for the Coca
A Strategic Marketing Plan for the Coca Executive Summary This paper was written in order to develop a marketing strategy for the Coca-Cola Amatil group (CCL). The main focus was not on the entire product line of the group but for a new product, Coke Zero. The CCL has enjoyed a lot of success for its internationally known brands such as Coke and Sprite. It however lags behind in the energy drink and sport drinks department.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on A Strategic Marketing Plan for the Coca-Cola Amatil Company specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Following this, it was important to develop a marketing plan that will improve the sales of Coke Zero. First, we looked at the company and the current situation it is in, both internal and external. We noted that the company has a very good external environment that promotes investments, has good trade laws and the consumers hold the company in high esteem. We also noted that the company holds the largest market share in the country hence has consistently been making profits. After this we took a SWOT analysis on the Coke Zero product, analysing the threats that may impede the successful performance of the product. Once the threats and weaknesses were identified, a marketing strategy was developed to improve the total sales of the product. Strategic Analysis Company Overview Coca-cola Amatil is an Australian bottling company that markets products from the Coca-Cola Company. It is one of the biggest bottlers in the South-Pacific and also one the largest bottlers for the Coca-Cola company (Coca-Cola, 2010). Coca-Cola Amatil produces various products that include: carbonated soft drinks, flavoured milk, energy drinks, water, fruit juices, sport drinks and ready to eat products The company also has a joint venture, Pacific Beverages, with SABMiller. The joint venture is responsible for producing and marketing a variety of premium beer products within the country and in New Zealand. CCL also mar kets and distributes spirit products for Beam Global Spirits and Wines (Coca-Cola, 2010). The Coca-Cola Company owns 30% of CCL and is thus the majority share holder of the company. Situation Analysis-External An analysis of the company’s current position as well as the prevailing market conditions will enable the development of a marketing plan that can be applied with respect to both the current situation as well as expected changes in the future (Kotler, 1997).Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Environmental Analysis The external environmental analysis is mainly concerned with those factors in the external macro-environment that may impact the ability of the business to meet its objectives or operate properly. The most important external elements include political, economical, social, and technological forces in the macro-environment. The analysis of the f orces is referred to as the PEST analysis. The PEST analysis looks at the different trends in the market highlighting their implications on the particular business. Political Trends The political and legal framework within a country usually affects how a business operates and its profitability (Payne, 2005). Coca-Cola Amatil operates in countries that have stable political systems as well as favourable trade laws that encourage business growth. The products that the company produces have all been approved by the relevant food licensing board in the country. Economic Trends Australia has enjoyed a stable economic growth over the ages. The country has been ranked as the 13th largest economy in the world and the 18th largest exporter (Dixon OMahoney). The country has enjoyed a steady growth at the rate of 3.6% over the last 16 years. The unemployment rate in the country stands at 4.9% and the inflation rate as per last year was 2.8% (Dixon OMahoney, 2010). According to the World Bank , Australia is ranked tenth on the ease of doing business. The base interest rate in the country stands at between 5 to 6%. Social Trends Over the years, there has been a health consciousness campaign warning people about over consumption of soft drinks. Various groups have frequently warned people that soft drinks are responsible for increase in obesity and other issues such as diabetes and rotting of teeth. Australia is also fascinated by sports. A survey on sporting claims that over 80% of young men are participate in sports in one way or another. Considering this, sport and energy drinks might increase in sales if sufficient marketing is carried out to penetrate the sports industryAdvertising We will write a custom report sample on A Strategic Marketing Plan for the Coca-Cola Amatil Company specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Technological Factors Australia is a developed country whose main revenue comes from the manufacturing indus try. The company has many professionals who engage in the development of new and innovative technological products (Svenson, 2009). The country also has many research facilities and those professionals seeking to undertake research are sponsored by the government, corporations and educational institutions. Market Analysis The soft drinks market in Australia is predominantly controlled by four main companies. These companies include; Coca-Cola Amatil, Nestle Australia, Cadbury Australia and Mars Australia. The Coca-Cola Amatil group holds about 56% of the market share in the non-alcoholic beverages, 40% market share in sports drink and 23% market share in bottled water (Greenblat, 2010). In market analysis, it is important to analyse the consumers, competitors, and carry out the five force analysis. Consumer Analysis Coca-cola products are usually enjoyed by people from all age groups. It has however been noted that a large percentage of people who consume products from CCL are those in the 16-32 age group making up 52% of the total consumers. The buying behaviour is mainly guided by attitudes and lifestyle of these consumers. The introduction of new products by the company usually receives positive reception while consumer satisfaction for our products has been generally high. Porter five forces analysis It is important to analyse the business micro environment in order to present a valid business marketing strategy. The Porter five forces are those forces that affect the ability of a corporation to make a profit or serve its consumers (Simon, 2006). The Porters five force analysis for CCL is shown in Fig 1 Figure 1: Porters Five Force Analysis for the soft drink environmentAdvertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Success factors From the external environmental analysis, the following key success factors can be identified The political, economical, social and technological trends all favour the success of CCL’s products The company holds a large percentage of the market share with the soft drink market The threat of new entrants into the industry is small The company mainly supplies most of its products and has a large network of suppliers hence threat of suppliers is small Situation Analysis (Internal) The internal situation analysis involves those factors within the company that affects its ability to operate and earn a profit. It includes the company resources, the objectives, corporate culture and mission (Williams Williams, 2007). Review of Current Strategy and marketing mix Coca-Cola Amatil current strategy involves availing beverages to people all over the country and the other four countries that the company operates. The company does this by setting up a network of partner s, acquiring new business, participating in the marketing and distribution of other beverages such as alcohol and by using various strategies to improve its marketing of products. Coca-Cola Amatil marketing strategy includes the use of advertisements, sports sponsorship deals, games and competitions and the use of the internet to promote its products. The current marketing mix can be well represented by the four P’s: Product: Coca-Cola Amatil produces a variety of non-alcoholic drinks as well as alcoholic drinks. The products include both internationally known brands and brands specifically produced for the country. Products include soft drinks, energy drinks, water, sports drinks, RTD tea and coffee, ready to eat fruits and flavoured milk. Product differentiation in most of these products is low hence there is a need for a unique product to retain competitiveness. Price: The current price for CCL products is low and very competitive. A large population can easily afford the se products on a regular basis. Promotion: CCL’s products are promoted through advertising and sales promotion. The strong brand name of the company has also propagated promotion of their products Place: CCL’s products can be purchased from many outlets all over the country. Supermarkets, shops, drink stands, gymnasiums and other local outlets usually have Coca-Cola products. Performance and Financial analysis Over the past years, the company has had significant success and has made a lot of profit. The company has had a one digit increase in profits for the last 10 years. Despite the economic recession, the company still had an increase in profit during the period. In 2010, the company had a net profit of $497.3 million, representing a 10% increase in profit from the previous year. The trading revenue for the year stood at $4490.3 million while the operating cash flow totalled $585.5 Million decreasing by 22% since the last year. The earnings before tax (EBIT) for th e company were $844.9 showing a 7.3% increase from that in the previous year (Coca-Cola, 2010). The company stock as of 2010 stood at $11.60 and has been showing a steady growth. As it can be seen, the company is in a very strong financial position and stands to gain more competitive advantage with the right marketing strategy. Table 1: Financial Analysis A$ million 2010 2009 % change Working capital 938.4 910.2 28.2 Property, plant and Equipment 1595.3 1457.2 138.1 IBAs intangible assets 1488.7 14780.3 7.9 Deferred tax liabilities (190.8) (157.4) (33.4) Non-debt derivatives 31.1 (32.5) 63.6 Other net assets/(liabilities) (339.9) (410.2) 70.3 Capital employed 3522 3248.1 274.7 Return on Capital 17.8% 16.5% 1.3 pts Resource Analysis Resource analysis involves the analysis of how the company’s resources and capabilities enable it to achieve its strategy (Schwartz, 1981). The resource analysis for the company is presented in Figure 2. Figure 2: Summary of the Coca-Cola Amatil resource analysis Determinants for strategic options Strategic marketing options may be constrained by both internal and external situations. In the case of Coca-Cola Amatil, determinants for strategic options include: Optimum utilization of the large amount of available capital Differentiation of products, producing a new product that differentiates it from its competitors Improving its promotional campaign; this involves increasing efforts in public relations and personal selling SWOT Analysis The SWOT analysis involves a look at the company’s current position in respect to its competitors, market conditions, consumers, suppliers and government regulations (Pepall, Daniel Norman, 2005). The SWOT analysis will look at the situational factors affecting the business. Strengths Strong financial position enabling future investments Strong distribution channels that may reach consumers and suppliers from all over the country Strong brand name that is eas ily recognized thereby improving consumer confidence Weaknesses The product is very new to the market and thus sufficient information about consumer demand is yet inconclusive. Without proper marketing strategy, the product might fail. Opportunities The Coca-Cola brand name is widely known and revered. This will therefore boost consumer confidence about the product thereby improving sales. The new product (Coke Zero) also does not have any competition in the market as per this moment. The low diet drink that target young males as for now is unique as it deviates from other diet drinks and will therefore gain significant market share. Threats The internationally recognized brands are still etched in the minds of people hence a large group may ignore the new product and stick to that which they are familiar with. The Coke Zero product has also received negative reviews in some countries. This is because in several countries such as Venezuela, Sodium cyclamate a known carcinogen was used as a sweetener. Health concerns over consumption of soft drinks. Strategy Development This section deals with developing a marketing strategy that will enable the company to meet strategic marketing goals. The company has several sustainable competitive advantages which include: The Coca-Cola brand is very strong hence improving consumer confidence The company has a strong distribution channel that spans five countries The company is part of a global conglomerate therefore has access to top notch equipments, professionals and assets The company produces its own packaging hence can modify it with any problem The company already has a fierce reputation hence does not need to begin from the bottom in its promotional activities. Strategic Thrusts The Coca-Cola Amatil group main business strategy is to produce beverages for everyone in the country. The company strategic thrusts are as follows: Produce a variety of products to account for taste, preferences and lifestyles. En gage in intensive promotional activities through advertisement, sales promotion, personal selling and public relations Acquire new holding and business Penetrate other beverage industries such as alcoholic drinks and RTD drinks. According to Ansoff, for a company to be successful it should choose one of three generic strategies: cost leadership, differentiation or niche strategies In order to be truly sustainable and to maintain competitive advantage, the company has to implement alternative competitive thrusts that include: Production of a new sports drink that offers something other sports drinks lack (differentiation). Restricting access to distribution channels for the other competitors (niche strategies). Reducing cost of production by using innovative techniques of management and production (cost leadership) Sustainable Strategic Thrust Considering the initial and alternative strategic thrusts, the most appropriate thrust has to be the production of a new sports drink that is not available in the market. CCL should produce a healthy sports drink with very little calories, has high levels of proteins and vitamins and rejuvenate those participating in sports and the general population. This will not only target the young male population but also sportsmen and women. Marketing Goals The main marketing goals involve improving sales for the coke zero products. The goals are: Improve the sales of sports drink by 8% Attract more consumers (especially the young male population) Infiltrate the sports Industry Improve the market share in sports drink by at least 4.5% Product-Market investment Strategies Coca-Cola Amatil main products have performed very well in the market over the years. Most of the products are well known and are a major part in people’s diets. When Coke Diet was produced, most men felt that it was geared for women. It was for this fact that coke zero was made and was mainly meant to penetrate the young male market. The diagram below is a presentation of the Ansoff’s Matrix for Coca-Cola Amatil: Figure 3: Ansoff’s Matrix Retrieved from Sharp Dawes (2001) Market Penetration The CCL’s sports drink market currently lags behind its competitors. In order to improve its market share, the company should engage in large scale promotion activities that include sponsorship deals, competitions, advertisements and personal selling mainly through the internet. Market Development One of the main reasons CCL has not been able to capitalize on the young male population is that the sports drinks in the market are all similar and no healthy drink exists as of now. The Coke Diet beverage launched by CCL was largely viewed as feminine and most men ignored it. Coca-Cola has been able to modify this drink to produce Coke Zero, a diet drink that is geared to the male generation. Product Development In recent times, the soft drink industry has been growing slowly mainly due to health concerns that have arisen abo ut the consumption of soft drinks. It is therefore important to develop a new product that is not only health but also delivers the expected results. CCL has dominated the soft drinks market hence it should put more of its energy in the sports drink market. The intended product should be rich in proteins and vitamins as well as rejuvenating compounds that are common in energy drinks. The drink should also reduce the amount of calories present in the drink Product Differentiation The current products targeting the young male population are all similar. Due to health concerns, the soft drink industry growing very slowly. In order to maintain competitiveness, CCL should therefore develop a new product that differs from those in the market and meet the health expectations of the consumers. Another way will be through the development of a new innovative packaging. A coke zero grip bottle that has been innovatively design will be used to package the product and thus attract more of the ta rgeted consumers. Strategic Marketing Mix The marketing strategy mainly involves targeting and positioning (Aaker, 2007). According to research, over 80% of young men above the age of twenty participate in sports one way or another. This number is very high and may increase the market share for coca-cola products immensely. We shall first target sportsmen by highlighting that the company has a new range of sports drinks (coke zero) that not only meet the sports drinks requirement but is also healthy. Products The product being marketed is a new healthy beverage, a sports drink mainly produced for the young male population (coke zero). The product has very little calorie content and is high in vitamins and proteins. This combination makes for the ideal sports drink as it not only rejuvenates a person but it is also healthy. The product will be packaged in trendy bottles that convey sportsmanship. The marketing message will try to stress that the drink is healthy and is a new innovati on all our competitors envy (Sharp Dawes, 2001). Price The product will be cheap to buy and will generally cost less than those from our competitors. It will be available in most outlets throughout the country and stands in the stadiums. The pricing will be such that the company does not undergo a loss but low enough to make the product the drink of preference (Sharp Dawes, 2001). Place The drink will target the whole of the country. It will be available in supermarkets, shops, stadiums and gymnasium. In order to access the sports fraternity, the drink will mainly focus on sports related outlets until it stands out as the drink for the active sportsman (Sharp Dawes, 2001). Promotion As the drink mainly targets young men interested in sports, the drink will first of all be promoted through sports channels, and stadium advertisements such as banners and Advertisement slots in the stadium. Next, sports paraphernalia will be used as a means for promotion such as balls, t-shirts, shoe s etc. The drink will also be promoted through competitions in radio stations and television. The promotion will have a sports team e.g. granting a lucky winner sports gear or a fully paid access to an important sports event (Sharp Dawes, 2001). Sales Forecast and Financial Prediction We expect that after this marketing strategy, sales will increase by 6% in the first quarter and that by the end of the year a 10% increase will have been achieved. Table 1: Financial Prediction A$ 2012 (1stQuarter) 2012 (2ndQuarter) 2012 (3rd Quarter) 2012 (4th Quarter) Advertising costs 0.98 1.4 1.6 1.2 Expected Revenue 5.3 8.5 14.6 26.5 Operating Expenses 1.3 2.8 6.2 6.6 Evaluation and Control The article above has presented the strategic market plan for the Coca-Cola Amatil group. The sales target presented above will act as benchmarks to evaluate progress. The marketing techniques recommended (sports advertisements and sports related sales promotions) will be amended depending on the nature of the actual sales. The Coca-Cola company has enough capital to implement the program successfully hence the products will be released in all regions within a period of 2 weeks. The company have a large distribution channels with many trusted partners hence control is not a major concern as of now. Appendix Appendix 1: Income statement CCL retrieved from Coca-Cola Amatil (2011) Appendix 2: Balance Sheet retrieved from Coca-Cola Amatil (2011) References Aaker, D. (2007). Strategic Market Management, 8th ed. New York, John Wiley Sons Coca-Cola (2011). Annual Report 2010. Retrieved from: www.ccamatil.comreportsF9ECBDFAd01.pdf Dixon, T OMahoney, J. (2010). Australia in the Global Economy 2010. Pearson: Leading Edge Education Greenblat, E. (2010). Coca-Cola Amatil beats profit estimates as prices rise. SMH Newspaper. Retrieved from: www.smh.com.au/business/cocacola-amatil-beats-profit-estimates-as-prices-rise Kotler, P. (2009). Principles of Marketing. New York: Prentice H all. Payne, A. (2005). A Strategic Framework for Customer Relationship Management. American marketing association, 69: 168-170 Pepall, L., Daniel J. Norman, J. (2005). Industrial Organization, Contemporary Theory and Practice. Ohio: Thomson South-Western Porter, M.E. (1985) The Five Competitive Forces That Shape Strategy. Harvard business Review, (4): 12-16-January Schwartz, H. (1981). Matching corporate culture and business strategy. Organization Dynamic, 24(2): 12-16 Sharp, B. Dawes, J. (2001). What is Differentiation and How Does it Work? Journal of Marketing Management, 17, 739-59. Simon, H. (2006). Rational decision making in business organizations. American Economic Review, 17(5): 42-45 Svenson, G. (2009). Globalization†of business activities: a â€Å"global strategy†approach. Management Decision, 7(13): 34-40 Williams, S. Williams, N. (2007). The profit impact of business intelligence. NY: Publisher Morgan Kaufmann
понедельник, 21 октября 2019 г.
Wilderness Ethics essays
Wilderness Ethics essays Wildlife can be found all over the world. Animals come in all shapes and sizes and some still havent even been accounted for. Animals were on this planet long before man, but they may not be here when man leaves. The animals downfall results from the extensive studying, exploitation, and the destruction of their habitats, which should be against the law. There is a lot of information that can still be learned about certain species of animals. This information is good, only if it furthers human knowledge and the animals well being. Studies done on animals involve clinical research. Taking an animal out of the wild simply to research it for common knowledge is unnecessary. Information on any animal can be gained by observation of the animal in its own natural habitat. Altering the behavior of animals is a different form of injustice. The best example of the behavioral alteration is the circus. Under the big top of the circus, wild animals are taught to do tricks upon command. The audience sees obediently trained animals; but cannot see the process that it takes to tame those wild animals. The wild animals have a home in the circus until they lose their ability to perform. When the animals lose their ability to perform, they also lose their ability to fend for themselves in the wild. Therefore once their career in the circus is over, they must remain in captivity for the rest of their lives. Zoos are another business that profits at the expense of animals. Wild animals are hunted down and purposely taken from their habitat only to be put in cages. Over the years, zoos have become nicer and can accommodate a large number of species, but they are not the best home for animals. A life behind iron bars cannot compare to the life the animals would have running or flying free in the wild. The zoos only justification is that the animals ...
воскресенье, 20 октября 2019 г.
Cats and Dogs †and Horses, Oh My!
Cats and Dogs – and Horses, Oh My! The passions and activities in our lives, including our pets, offer writing opportunities. Our friend jokes and calls us Cat Whisperers because of feral cats abandoning kittens on our doorstep. Through the years, we’ve learned many lessons about rescuing feral kittens, and that experience turned into articles, children’s stories and an ebook. A member of my writing group argued that she couldn’t write about animals, because she wasn’t a veterinarian. A degree isn’t necessary to write about furry – or nonfurry critters. Being an animal lover, or an animal parent, gives you knowledge to turn into articles. These publications are for lovers of cats and dogs: CATSTER and DOGSTER magazines (used to be Cat Fancy and Dog Fancy): catster.com/ and dogster.com/ Email Catster: confess@catster.com and Dogster: vicky@dogster.com Length: 800-1,000 words. Payment varies. CATS USA MAGAZINE: catchannel.com/magazines/catsusa/writers-guidelines.aspx Length: 1,800-2,400 words. Payment varies. Cats and dogs are not the only pets. I met Mea Stone, owner of Stonywoods Farm and became enchanted with her angora goats. The story of how she started her small hob For animals of the more agricultural type, try these publications: HOB hob Feature articles: 2,000-2,500 words. Payments: $300 and up. News-oriented articles: 500 words maximum. Payment varies. BACK HOME: http://backhomemagazine.com/guidlines.htm Word count varies. Payment $35 per printed page. COUNTRY MAGAZINE: country-magazine.com/contributor-guidelines/ Material considered on speculation. Pays $250 for stories one page or longer. (A page is 400-500 words.) For horse stories, I visit an author friend who owns a horse. She’s a romance writer, and her stories are western themed, complete with cowboys and horses. Try one of these publications for equine articles: APPALOOSA JOURNAL: appaloosajournal.com/editorial-submissions/ Features: 1,500-1,800 words. Articles: 600-800 words. Pays $200 $400. THE HORSE: thehorse.com/pages/freelance Articles: 250-1,800 words. Payment varies depending on article length. HORSE ILLUSTRATED: Magazine: horsechannel.com/horse-magazines/horse-illustrated/submission-guidelines.aspx Print articles: 1,000-2,000 words. Pays $200-$475. Online articles: 500-1,200 words. Pays $25 for news items, $50 for 500-1,000 words (tips, personal columns), $75 for 750-1,200 words including quotes and photos/videos. Broaden your horizons. Who are your friends, your neighbors, your co-workers? Do they have exotic pets or fascinating stories to share? Try these publications for exotic animals: REPTILE MAGAZINE: reptilesmagazine.com/Submit-A-Picture-or-Story-to-Reptile-Magazine/Writers-Guidelines/ Feature articles: 2,000-2,500 words with good photos. Generally pays $500. Shorter articles with fewer photos pays $350. Rates can vary. AQUARIUM FISH INTERNATIONAL: fishchannel.com/writers-guidelines.aspx Pays generally 15 cents per word. Offers a package deal for useable photos. Younger readers enjoy stories with and about animals. Try your hand at children’s stories. Highlights pays on acceptance for fiction and non-fiction pieces. HIGHLIGHTS https://www.highlights.com/contributor-guidelines Fiction and nonfiction: 800 words maximum. Pays $150 up. Rebus stories: 120 words maximum. Pays $100 up. Do your neighbors have unusual pets? Ferrets? Potbellied pigs? Back yard chickens? Have your coworkers mentioned humorous stories about their animals? Horror stories? Experiences they tell around the water cooler? Do they foster abandoned opossums? Raise turtles to sell to reptile shops? Have a boa that escaped one day? Are story ideas blossoming that you can submit to any of these publications? What experiences can turn into money? Whether you clean up after cats and dogs, even horses or goats, or listen to tales from those who do, animals can become stories that add to your revenue.
суббота, 19 октября 2019 г.
Quiet Torrential Sound by Joan Ackermann and a Seinfeld episode Essay
Quiet Torrential Sound by Joan Ackermann and a Seinfeld episode written by Larry David - Essay Example Of course, the main character of the story is Jerry Seinfeld, named after the writer and the producer. He is regarded as the â€Å"voice of reason†(buddychai, n.p). The entire story revolves around this life, and he has appeared consistently in all the episodes of all the different seasons. He is one of those characters, who have a focal point in the lives of the people around him, which include his best friend, his neighbor and his ex-girlfriend. The character of Jerry Seinfeld is mirrored after a real person, for his career in the show remains, that of a stand-up comedian, which also forms the career of the actual person. Jerry brings life to the sitcom, with his comments about his friend’s habits, who are to the say the least, quite quirky and live a very laidback life. This makes the character of Jerry quite observational. One would also find it interesting to observe that Jerry’s identity is closely intertwined with that of his friends. Jerry’s chara cter is shown in the light, through his social network. Prying by George into Jerry’s life shows the viewers about Jerry’s insecurities. Elaine always remarks on how Jerry breaks up with women almost every week, because he always finds reasons to break up with women, including the fact that he breaks up with a woman, because she had manly hands. Moreover, one can also notice Jerry’s stubbornness, for example, when he buys his parent’s car repeatedly, which actually affected him financially. However, any viewer would realize that although the show was meant to be about â€Å"nothing†, it actually shows everything there is about to life that is wholly represented by Jerry’s character. Although he is often frustrated with his friends’ habits, he always finds love and care for them. For example, in one episode â€Å"The Invitations†, Jerry became deeply worried, when George was about to get married because he felt that their group will not be the same
пятница, 18 октября 2019 г.
It is said that Mark twain in his writing tried to release human mind Essay
It is said that Mark twain in his writing tried to release human mind from moral, religious and literary standards and show the - Essay Example â€Å"There was things which he stretched, but mainly he told the truth.†(Twain 72b). Twain’s attempt to release the mind of humans from the standards that has been set for them by the society could be seen in Huckleberry’s Finn when he wrote that, â€Å"But I reckon I got to light out for the territory ahead of the rest, because Aunt Sally she’s going to adopt me and sivilize me, and I can’t stand it. I been there before.†(Twain 569). Twain used the character of Huckleberry to show an individual’s attempt to break away from the standard that the society set for him. Mark Twain used the character of Huck to show the extent at which humans tried to free themselves from what was perceived as societal norms and values. Huckleberry kicked against his adoption by Aunt Sally as he knows that Sally is someone that would likely try to instill some societal values and norms in him and he has not come to terms with this fact. The truth of life according to Mark Twain is a situation where humans can be made to enjoy life without anybody setting standards and values for them. Mark Twain believes that people should be made to do the things they feel is the best for them without being conformed to some stereotyped rules and precepts. This way, people would not have to live a hypocritical life and a life of lies and deceit.
Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 2
Strategy - Essay Example Following the global financial crisis that was offset by the bursting of the housing bubble in 2008 in the USA and later followed by the global financial crisis in 2010, a lot of firms have adopted measures to deal with the reduced revenue and sales yield amidst growing competition from other firms and many of the firms have adopted competitive business strategies. Competitive business strategies facilitate a firm to sell or produce products and services with more efficiency and with the sole aim of having a competitive advantage over their competitors (Mandarini 2014). There are a variety of business strategies that are used by managers as they have choices between using set standard strategies or creating their own set of strategies and therefore it should be noted that, flexibility and innovation play a very important role in competitive business strategies. Competitive advantage is a management strategy that was first developed by Michael Porter who classified the competitive advantage of an organization as being either achieved through differentiation, or by adopting lower costs of production (Dicken 2011). Competitive advantage enables a company to gain a competitive advantage over its rivals in the market through adopting new information technology, gaining access to natural resources or highly skilled personnel. One of the companies in the last decade that has outshone its competitors due to the adoption of a strategic management strategy that places emphasis on acquiring a competitive advantage via adoption of new technology and differentiation different form other firms in the market has been Apple. In the period between 2001 and 2007 following the unveiling of the Apple iPod and Apple iPhone respectively, the company, courtesy of its CEO, Steve Jobs had shifted from its previous strategy of premium priced innovative computers, w hich was a relatively safe strategy and adopted the highly risky but profitable strategy of venturing into the extremely
четверг, 17 октября 2019 г.
Counselling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words - 1
Counselling - Essay Example I was quite anxious because I was afraid of being ridiculed if I did not perform as well as I had hoped1. On the other hand, I was ready to learn on how to prepare and deliver a presentation. Yes, I had my fears, but I also wanted to prove myself wrong with reference to failing. I wanted to make sure that failure to deliver my first presentation exceptionally was merely an impediment to future presentations, which I might just end up delivering effortlessly. I felt that there was always an initial time for everything, and this was my first time to deliver a presentation. I chose the topic of Domestic Violence by first thinking about what kind of issue I wanted to deal with generally2. I had a number of considerations, for instance, the issue for me had to be a problem that takes place in society and most probably involves what I have personally experienced or people I know have experienced. I wanted to get a topic that I was interested in since I knew that the research process would have been more relevant if I cared about the topic I chose. I also desired to pick something, which I wanted to learn more about making it easier to complete and more meaningful to me3. I started my search for topics on social issues on the internet and books. I had the aptitude to generate a listing of general social issues that exist today. Since I did not want a topic that was too broad, which could also avail too much information that would not be focused on, I did background reading on the social issues and narrowed the issues down by having subtopics below the main topics4. I also considered the subtopics on violence that had enough sources that I could rely on to help me make my presentation, therefore, making it easy to gather sufficient information for my topic. I was attracted to topics that were linked to violence because I have always abhorred violence. However, I did not have a lot of information on the topic and this led me to review the
Distance Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Distance Learning - Essay Example Technology, especially computer and internet has significantly contributed in popularizing it. Distance learning has many advantages and disadvantages. The main benefit is that it enables learners to advance their knowledge without personally going to schools and other educational institutions. The internet has facilitated access to huge plethora of learning material. At the same time, various aspects of technology vis-à -vis video conferencing, virtual classroom etc. have made it hugely interactive thereby, delineating the need for physical attendance. Most importantly, it provides the working population or the dropouts to continue their education or higher education, as the case maybe, at their own pace and from any place across the globe. It has become a new approach or tool to widen one’s sphere of knowledge. It has also provided the academia to expand their interests across larger geographical area and make it easy for people to acquire education and skills to enhance their personal and professional scope. The key disadvantage is that learner is not able to interact personally with the teachers. For K-12 students, it might also have negative repercussions on their social skills and also adversely impact their health. Apart from that, it can also have large dropout rates as students would not be bound by any disciplinary actions to continue with their online lessons. Moreover, curriculum alignment, accreditation of teachers of course and appropriate supervision or meeting the needs of students with special needs would also be difficult to apply. Distant learning is good for those who are self motivated and have access to online resources and powerful interactive tools. Hence, I would need to be prepared to follow disciplined way of working online for enhancing my educational needs. I would opt for courses which offer high interaction and have efficient feedback system. I would stay
среда, 16 октября 2019 г.
Counselling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words - 1
Counselling - Essay Example I was quite anxious because I was afraid of being ridiculed if I did not perform as well as I had hoped1. On the other hand, I was ready to learn on how to prepare and deliver a presentation. Yes, I had my fears, but I also wanted to prove myself wrong with reference to failing. I wanted to make sure that failure to deliver my first presentation exceptionally was merely an impediment to future presentations, which I might just end up delivering effortlessly. I felt that there was always an initial time for everything, and this was my first time to deliver a presentation. I chose the topic of Domestic Violence by first thinking about what kind of issue I wanted to deal with generally2. I had a number of considerations, for instance, the issue for me had to be a problem that takes place in society and most probably involves what I have personally experienced or people I know have experienced. I wanted to get a topic that I was interested in since I knew that the research process would have been more relevant if I cared about the topic I chose. I also desired to pick something, which I wanted to learn more about making it easier to complete and more meaningful to me3. I started my search for topics on social issues on the internet and books. I had the aptitude to generate a listing of general social issues that exist today. Since I did not want a topic that was too broad, which could also avail too much information that would not be focused on, I did background reading on the social issues and narrowed the issues down by having subtopics below the main topics4. I also considered the subtopics on violence that had enough sources that I could rely on to help me make my presentation, therefore, making it easy to gather sufficient information for my topic. I was attracted to topics that were linked to violence because I have always abhorred violence. However, I did not have a lot of information on the topic and this led me to review the
вторник, 15 октября 2019 г.
Book review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4
Book review - Essay Example After her sister Rosa dies from being poisoned, Clara becomes a hermit. Esteban, Rosa’s fiance, is busy making a fortune and sexually exploiting peasant girls because he feels that he is entitled to due to his financial status. Upon deciding to visit the old del Valle house, Esteban meets Clara and they quickly become engaged and marry. After they are married, Ferula, Esteban’s sister, moves in with them. A year later, Esteban and Clara give birth to their first child, a daughter named Blanca, who, as she gets older, falls in love with Pedro Tercero. By the end of that summer, Clara finds herself to be pregnant with twins, boys to be named Jaime and Nicolas. Before the birth of her boys, Clara’s parents die in a car accident, resulting in the beheading of her mother, Nivea. Clara isn’t immediately told of what has happened to Nivea, in fear of complications with her pregnancy, but she still finds out. She sets out to find the head, aided by Ferula. During this devastating time, Ferula and Clara become really close; eventually, Ferula and Esteban are fighting for Clara’s attention and love. One day, Esteban comes home to find Ferula and Clara in bed together, and he hastily kicks Ferula out of the house, but not before she can curse him with a lonely life. As time goes on, Blanca and Pedro’s love deepens, though they know that Blanca’s father would never approve, as Pedro is from a different class. Years later, Esteban finds out about his daughter’s love affair by Jean de Satigny, who only wants to secure himself in Esteban’s financial life either as his business partner or his son-in-law. In an attempt to separate his daughter from her lover, Esteban tries to kill Pedro, harming his own wife in the process, who then establishes a silent relationship between her and her husband. However, years down the road,
понедельник, 14 октября 2019 г.
Case study Technique Essay Example for Free
Case study Technique Essay In psychology, cases study is the use of descriptive research and analysis to obtain in-depth information about a person, group, or a phenomenon. Case study is conducted using techniques such as direct-observation of the person, personal interviews, psychometric tests, and use of earlier researches archived (Dunbar, 2005). Psychology uses a case study often in clinical research to explain an unusual occurrences and conditions of the patient. The conditions are contrary to the pre-established principles in the fields of psychology and clinical research. Most of the case studies are single-case design; however, there is multiple-case design where instead of using sampling, replication is the criterion for use. Case study in psychology ought to be valid, and reliable to help in the future psychological research. This paper explains the reasons, disadvantages, and advantages of the case study. Reasons for Using Case Study Case study allows the researcher to examine and gather information about persons in far more detail than if the research was on a large number of people. Although the case study is not a research method, clinical and psychological researchers identifies methods of data collection that is suitable for the case study (Goodwin, 1995). For instance, observation, interviews, personal notes, and officially documented records. The reason for the case study is to investigate into the private lives of persons with the focus of understanding them and helping them in overcoming the problems that they experienced in their daily lives. Advantages and Disadvantages of Case Study Case study allows the researchers to collect detailed information about a person that is useful. The information would not have been obtained by the other research methods. The information obtained during the case study is richer and is greater in depth compared to the other experimental designs. Moreover, the research considers rare cases where large samples of similar people are not available. Scientific experiments on the person done during the process of study are also an advantage (Dunbar, 2005). The process enables the researchers to adapt to ideas and come up with a hypothesis that will be a point of reference in the future research. On the contrary, the data collected during the case study cannot apply in a wider population. This makes the data not be useful in longitudinal case studies. In addition, some of the studies are not scientific in nature (Goodwin, 1995). They are only a generalization of the scientific principles. The study considers only one individual; therefore, the study is prone to the researcher biases. The bias of the experimenter can influence the conclusions more than in the other study designs. It is also difficult to prove the effect from the psychological case study (Dunbar, 2005). A case study is often prone to be more time consuming than the time used in other study designs. Sources of Case Study Data The case study research generates data from different sources. The researchers use field notes to record data that is already available in stored databases. The use of sampling where one person is examined to represent a wider group is also a method of case study data collection. In addition, questionnaires, observations, and interviewing are other methods used to collect case study data. In conclusion, the study tends to collect qualitative data. The psychological case study is important since it collects unique and in-depth data about a person. Mainly, the rare phenomena and conditions allude to case studies. Finally, it is vital to refer to the recorded data to ensure that the findings are accurate and applicable in the real life situations. References Dunbar, G. (2005). Evaluating research methods in psychology: A case study approach. Malden, MA: BPS Blackwell. Goodwin, C. J. (1995). Research in psychology: Methods and design. New
воскресенье, 13 октября 2019 г.
History Of The Uae Foreign Policy Politics Essay
History Of The Uae Foreign Policy Politics Essay Since its establishment in 1971, the United Arab Emirates implemented an objective foreign policy based several beliefs including the adoption of dialogue, appreciation of international conventions, commitment to the United Nations Charter , the non-interference of other countrys internal affairs, and the resolution of disputes by peaceful means. One of the core foundations the UAEs foreign policy has been building cooperation-based relations with all countries of the world. These relations have insured a substantial development assistance, which has increased the UAEs importance among recipient states. Most of this foreign aid (in excess of $15 billion) has been to various Arab and Muslim countries. UAE Foreign Policy The UAEs political leadership operates within a foreign policy framework which emphasizes diplomacy, negotiation and a willingness to help those less fortunate. The UAE is attentive of its commitment to its neighbors and the international community with regard to regional peace, stability and security. To achieve these goals, it has purposefully built bridges, partnerships and dialogue, and has emphasized moderation, tolerance and respect for all peoples and religions. Relying on these tools of engagement has allowed the Government to pursue effective, balanced and wide-ranging ties with the international community. One of the central features of the UAEs foreign policy has been the development of closer ties with its neighbors in the Arabian Peninsula through the six-member Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). The UAE is also a member of the Arab League, the Arab Quartet, the Committee for the Arab Peace Initiative, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC), the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), and many other regional, international and intergovernmental organizations, as well as, the United Nations (UN) and its affiliated bodies. UAEs Foreign Policy and its commitment to the security Arabian Gulf and Peninsula The UAE it continues to press for the preservation of Gulf waters as an open international trade zone and the Strait of Hormuz (a strait between the Sultanate of Oman and Iran) as an open maritime passageway. However, Irans continuing occupation of three UAE islands in the Gulf, Abu Musa and the Greater and Lesser Tunbs, is a source of instability in the region. Although historically governed by the rulers of the emirates of Sharjah and Ras al-Khaimah, they were forcibly occupied by Iran hours before the federation was formed on 2 December 1971. The UAE has consistently rejected the Iranian occupation, demanded the restoration of its full sovereignty and emphasized that all actions and measures taken by the occupying Iranian authorities are illegitimate, and are contrary to international law and to universal norms. Since 1971, Iran has been unwilling to seek a mutually agreeable solution. The UAE, in contrast, has called for a just settlement of this issue, either through direct nego tiation or by referral to the International Court of Justice to settle this dispute in accordance with the principles of the Charter of the United Nations and the provisions of international law. Further afield, in pursuit of regional security, the UAE participated in the GCC attempt to propose an initiative to resolve the ongoing political crisis in Yemen. In 2011, it played a pivotal role in the lead-up to the passing of UN Security Council Resolutions 1970 and 1973 dealing with Libya and within the Libya Contact Group and other forums. The UAE played a stabilizing role during the Bahrain crisis, providing police forces for a GCC-sanctioned plan to bring peace to the island nation and counseling the government and opposition forces to pursue a national strategy for dialogue. More recently, the UAE has condemned the conflict in Syria as heartbreaking pointing out that it exceeds all limits and humanitarian norms and noting with deep concern the escalating acts of violence perpetrated by the Syrian regime against its people, which have stripped the regime of its legitimacy. Moreover, since the Israeli-Hezbollah war of 2006, the UAE has sponsored the rebuilding of hospitals and schools in southern Lebanon. In 2001, it joined over 60 countries in Afghanistan in providing 1300 troops on the ground in a humanitarian, educational and security mission that continues today. Prior to this, the UAE participated in a peacekeeping mission in Kosovo in the 1990s. It is also among the largest contributors of international aid assistance to developing countries. As a small emerging regional and global player, it is clear that the UAE is dealing with challenges on many fronts and at different levels, largely in cooperation with a diversified group of friends and allies in the GCC, the Arab League, the Organization of the Islamic Conference, and the United Nations and its diverse organizations. UAE foreign policy also emphasizes the strong relationship and mutual interests the country has with the United States and other countries, including the United Kingdom, France and South Korea and, although not a member of NATO, the UAE has chosen to join the coalitions Istanbul Cooperation Initiative (ICI). Terrorism is one such global challenge. In this regard, the UAE continues to renew its firm condemnation of all acts of terrorism, illicit trafficking in drugs and arms, and organized crime and reaffirms its resolve to continue cooperating with international and multilateral efforts aimed at total elimination of these activities, which pose a direct threat to international peace and security. In pursuit of this goal, the UAE has announced the establishment of the Centre of Excellence for Countering Violent Extremism in collaboration with several friends and actors, which will begin its work in Abu Dhabi at the end of 2012. Overview of UAEs Foreign relations with the US. The UAEs strategic relationship with the United States dates back to the 1990 invasion of Kuwait. Subsequent to joining the military effort, the two countries signed an agreement in late 1992 allowing for US bases on Emirate soil.[50] July 25, 1994, a formal Defense Cooperation Agreement has been in place.[51] Ten years later, despite publicly opposing the US led war on Iraq, the UAE permitted a minimal amount of US forces to support the operation from the Al Dhafra air base, Jebel Ali, and naval facilities at Fujairah. Enhancing security relations, has been a US arms sale in March 2000 to the Emirates, valued at $8 billion and included over $2 billion worth of weapons, munitions, and services.[52] A nuclear deal was signed between the US and the UAE meant to supply nuclear technology, expertise and fuel. Despite international opposition to neighboring Irans nuclear developments, the US is confident of the UAEs compliance with the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty and the International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards to refrain from enriching uranium and extracting plutonium.[53] It firmly believes this agreement has the potential to usher in an era of responsible nuclear-energy development throughout the Middle East.Global Security.org, New U.S.-U.A.E. Deal Raises Eyebrows Amid Concern Over Irans Nuclear Program, January 16, 2009 [54] Commercially, the UAE is also the States largest export market in the Middle East constituting $11.6 billion in exports annually. In March 2005, the US opened negotiations on a free trade agreement and despite recent increasing depreciation of Gulf currencies, the UAE dirham remains pegged to the plunging dollar.[55] The two countries have also maintained close ties through an exchange of cultural and educational partnerships which include the Guggenheim Museum, and a number of American Universities opening campuses in the Emirates.[56] Development of the UAE Foreign policy from 1970 to 2012 The Emirates foreign policy has gone through a dynamic change in recent years. The change is apparently broad and indeed fundamental. It encompasses the very content as well as the style in which the UAE deals with external opportunities and challenges. The relatively small but oil-rich UAE is noticeably more assertive and active regionally and globally than it used to be during the first three decades of its establishment as a federal state on December 2, 1971. During the time of the late founding father and first president of the country, Shaikh Zayed Bin Sultan al Nahyan, UAE foreign policy was predominantly idealistic in its orientation and essentially Arab world-centred. The main drive at the time was limited to preserving the countrys sovereignty and newly-won independence. However, since 2004, a confident and ambitious UAE has been pursuing a more global and palpably a more realistic foreign policy. The dissertation uses a theoretical framework called the Dynamic Process Model, which asserts that the UAE essentially pursues a tripartite foreign policy, namely: identity, security and economy. The Arab world is needed for identity, the West for security and most recently Asia for the economy. However, in the current tripartite foreign policy, the economic leg looms large. Economic interests and not identity, not even security, are the new anchor in this mainly realistic approach to international politics. The growing emphasis on economic interests constitutes a fundamental shift away from the mostly idealistic and humanistic UAE foreign policy of the Shaikh Zayed era with its preoccupation with Arabness. The Arab world is still needed for the identity and affinity, but it is no longer the main focus of the UAEs current foreign policy. The US and the West also remain as indispensable, strategic allies. Yet their importance is increasingly reduced to serve as a security insurance. Asia, on the other hand, is the new centre of interest in the present UAE foreign policy. The UAE, like the rest of the world, is going East to discover China, the second biggest economy in the world, South Korea, the fourth biggest economy in Asia, and all the other Asian tigers. They are the new destinations for economic, energy and security diversification policy. The UAE foreign policy priorities are sensibly changing to accommodate the contemporary global and regional realities. However, external influences aside, the noticeable change in UAE foreign policy is mainly a reflection of the formal and the informal domestic sociopolitical structures of the present state. Unlike the old guardians of UAE foreign policy, the younger elites come strictly from the realist school with emphasis on economics and balance of power as the new anchor for UAE foreign policy today. They are ready to defend the countrys national interests frontally and decisively. They are not shy to pick up the fight when it is needed to defend the countrys vast global investments. Canadas refusal to give the UAE carriers landing rights is a case in point. Another sign of the more confident and assertive post-founding father UAE foreign policy is the UAEs adherence to the strict UN economic sanctions against a characteristically difficult neighbour like Iran. The message coming out of this freshly submitted master dissertation is that the mature and self-assured UAE should not be taken for granted and is no longer the state anyone messes with anymore. The world is well advised to take the UAE more seriously. Over the last five years, the UAEs diplomacy has witnessed a major shift towards relationships with new regions such as South America, Central America, Africa, Central Asia and the Pacific, where a number of embassies and consulates have been opened. Looking to the future, the UAE leadership is committed to ensuring that its foreign policy will continue to be characterized by prudence, support, conciliation and consensus, as well as cooperation with international institutions. At the same time, it is ready to contribute to the defense of the rights of the weak and vulnerable states.
суббота, 12 октября 2019 г.
Dale :: essays research papers
Earnhardt dies following Daytona 500 accident DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. -- Seven-time NASCAR Winston Cup champion Dale Earnhardt, 49, was fatally injured Sunday in a multi-car accident on the final lap of the 43rd Daytona 500 at Daytona International Speedway. "NASCAR has lost its greatest driver," said NASCAR Chairman of the Board Bill France, who himself is recovering from life threatening illnesses, "and I personally have lost a great friend." His wife Teresa was at his side at the time of death. Dr. Steve Bohannon, emergency trauma surgeon who was on one of the ambulances that responded, said, "My speculation would be head injuries, basically to the base of the skull." Earnhardt, who won the 1998 Daytona 500, was unconscious when he was cut from his No. 3 Richard Childress Racing Chevrolet after the accident between Turns 3 and 4 of the 2.5-mile speedway as a tangled pack of cars raced to the checkered flag. He was immediately transported to Halifax, less than one-mile from the speedway. "I don’t know what to say. This is incredible, just incredible. I think everybody is just in shock right now. "I didn’t see much of what happened up there (in the fourth turn). After the race was over, I heard things didn’t look very good but, man, Earnhardt. You figure he’ll bounce right back," said Jeremy Mayfield, driver of the No. 12 Penske Ford. Your first thought is, hey, he’ll probably come back next week at Rockingham and beat us all. "My heart goes out to Theresa and Dale, Jr., Kerry and Kelly, and to Taylor Nicole." Earnhardt was pronounced dead while his driver, Michael Waltrip, was being interviewed in the Daytona press box after his first career victory in 463 starts. In the accident, Ken Schrader's No. 36 Pontiac was pinned against the outside wall by Earnhardt's out-of-control No. 3 Richard Childress Racing Chevrolet, which came from a lower lane on the 31-degree banked turn. "I don't know what happened -- all of a sudden we were all crashing," said Schrader, who was unhurt in the accident. "I guess someone got into Dale because Dale got into me and then we went up. We hit pretty hard and Dale hit harder." Schrader tried to visit Earnhardt's car after the accident ended, but quickly left the area. I didn't get to talk to Dale," Schrader said of his escape. "I went over there and then they (safety workers) got there real quick, so I got the hell out of the way.
пятница, 11 октября 2019 г.
How Your Diet Is Influenced by Religious Essay
Since the beginning of time, dietary practices have been incorporated into the religious practices of people around the world. Some religious are prohibited from consuming certain foods and drinks. Practices such as fasting are described as tenets of faith by numerous religions and several incorporate some element of fasting. The diet influenced by religious beliefs does have numerous benefits in our daily life but it also has some disadvantages. Some religions have dietary restrictions which are observed by their followers as part of their religious practice. Such like Islam has laws permitting foods classified as halal. Which is means pork and alcohol are not allowed. Meanwhile, most hindus are vegetarians and must do not eat cow. There are reasoned why every religion have dietary restrictions in their daily meal and it is because of food safety. According to Wisegeek (2012) religious dietary restrictions protect the followers of the religion which is allowing them to grow fruitful and multiply healthy meal. Furthermore, every religions has it owns preferences and culture. In culture of religions, they do have their own eating patterns and behavior. Cultural also provides guidelines regarding of the food in their religions. If the religions had a good eating patterns in their daily life it will give a benefit on their diet. It depends on how many amount of food that their takes in one day. As we know, some religions have some acceptable foods and unacceptable foods. For religions that have a bad food combinations it can have negative effects on their health, especially when it comes to their digestion. In addition, food combinations can also give harmful effects to their body. While this may be true, we should also consider the fact exposure to food by religions local cuisine does influence their diet. Basu (2011) states that for a person that more exposed to a food, it more encourage for them to eat it. Foods that are commonly and easily cook within a specific religion frequently become a part of the local cuisine. For example, other religions cook such an oily dish but there are other religious cook their dish with grilled or boil it. It is based on how the followers of the religions cook in their daily life because the followers are only more exposed to the foods that are easily for them to get it. It does influence their diet when they are eating based on their local cuisine. In conclusion, certain religions are at high risk of nutrition-related disease. With understanding and adjustment it is possible to change their diets so they are easily followed a current healthy eating habits. It is very important to us to take the best possible care of our body and develop healthy cooking and eating habits in order to help our live life. REFERENCES Conjectour Corporation. (2012). Religions Dietary Restrictions. Retrieved September 1, 2012, from www.wisegeek.com/why-do-some-religions-have-dietary-restrictions.html Basu, O. Julia. (2011). The Influence of Religion on Health. Retrieved September 2, 2012, from http://www.studentpulse.com/articles/367/the-influence-of-religion-on-health
четверг, 10 октября 2019 г.
George W. Bush and Darth Vader Essay
More often than not when comparing two characters, whether one be real and the other fictional, we come up with both similarities and differences between them. Seldom however do these similarities and differences between a fictional character and a person from the real world become so glaring that such comparison consequentially provide a substantial realization. One of such seldom case is the comparison of George W. Bush and Darth Vader. This paper will venture on comparing both characters and at the end provide a realization of such comparison. The two mentioned personalities need no introduction hearing these names will immediately give us an image of them in our heads. George W. Bush is the current president of the United States. Darth Vader on the other hand is the popular character in the Star Wars movies. On first instance it may seem that a comparison between these two personalities is absurd. This paper however will show us that such comparison is not without realization. It is submitted that on rare occasions seemingly trivial things such as comparison of Bush and Vader can in fact provide us with a realization far better than any other concept we have. To outline this paper will proceed on first stressing the similarities of both characters, then proceed with its differences and eventually state the realizations made through the conclusion Their Similarities Leaders The most obvious similarity between Vader and Bush is that they are both leaders. Leaders in their own respect Bush lead a nation and Vader leads an army. More worth noting in this similarity is not only the fact that both are leaders but the fact that both have the same way of leading. Vader and Bush exercise an attitude of strength in leadership that they do not think of casualties they however have the end in mind. Like the war in Iraq started by George W. Bush he was fearless in proceeding with such war even if he knew what it would cost. His ratings of popularity went down and the economy of his nation went down with it. Whenever one comes to war inevitably lives are put on the line. Bush was not hesitant in outing young military soldier’s lives on the line in order for him to achieve his goal and win his war on Iraq. The same ideology is shared by Darth Vader. Darth Vader always has a goal or a mission to accomplish. The ruthless use of his army to achieve his directives are clearly gleaned within his personality. In this type of leading we find the similarity between George W. Bush and Darth Vader. They both seem to share the ideology that making sacrifices in order to achieve a goal is necessary. They also have utter disregard for the cost and the consequences as long as they achieve this goal this is their way of leading. This is the kind of leading we see in the Star Wars Movies by Darth Vader and the kind of leading we see in America by George W. Bush. It is therefore submitted that because they have the same kind of ideology of leadership the result of their leadership hypothetically are the same. The end of Darth Vader has already been seen this type of leadership resulted in failure. The present administration of Bush has not yet ended but the seeming similarity of leadership ideology with Darth Vader can provide us with a reasonable conclusion that the administration of Bush will end in failure. The Saga Journal as proof of Vader’s leadership provides: â€Å"George Lucas has succeeded in creating one of the greatest cautionary tales for the aspiring leader in his portrayal of Darth Vader’s devastating reign of terror. Darth Vader embodies traits that make most contemporary leadership scholars cringe. †(Cited in: Michelle Drum, The Saga Journal) Perceived as Villains Another similarity between these two personalities is that many of us perceive them as villains. Villains in their own right majority of the people see both George W. Bush and Darth Vader as villains. Darth Vader very much like George W. Bush were not always perceived as Villains. They were first considered as heroes. George W. Bush could not have been president if the people did not think of him as a hero. He won the election two times. This is only proof that before George W. Bush was perceived as a villain he was considered as a hero. The same is true for Darth Vader. Darth Vader was not immediately Darth Vader before his transition to such character. He was the young and promising Anakin Skywalker his views were moral and he had a good sense of justice. This however changed because of the circumstances as provided in the movie. This only means that sometimes the famous quote in the batman movie might be true sometimes we see ourselves a hero long enough to become the villain. This is the similar circumstance of both Bush and Vader. In one of the articles of the National News it provided the perception of Bush being a villain as it said: â€Å"According to an Associated Press-AOL News poll, President Bush is both the number one villain and the number one hero of 2006. †(cited in: Two Sided Coin for Bush: Villain and Hero By Cathy Gill) Powerful The final similarity this paper will provide from all the similarities of these two characters is their power. There is no doubt that both George W. Bush and Darth Vader are very much powerful in every sense of the word. George W. Bush being the President of the United States of America and Darth Vader being the leader of the imperial army. Vader being perceived as powerful in an article in USA Today as it said â€Å"Not only is Vader powerful, he’s sexy, says David Prowse, who appears as Vader in the first three films and has made thousands of appearances as Vader in costume. †(Cited in: Breathing Life into Vader by Mike Snider) Their Differences Their Rise to Power Though it is granted that both George Bush and Darth Vader are powerful they however differ in the manner of their rise to power. Darth Vader used pure brute force in order to be the leader of the imperial army. He had to lean to the dark side in order to achieve this goal. George Bush on the other hand rose into power through the mandate of the American people. Bush rose into power because of his will and the will of the people. Darth Vader on the other hand had to search and conquer this power by himself. This difference in their rise of power gives us an insight on how they held this power. Darth Vader could hold his power until he wished to abandon it. Bush on the other hand is bound by the limits of mandate given to him. He can only have the power of being a chief executive according to the period of time given to him. This gives us an insight on why Bush tries his best to stay in power while Vader needlessly and calmly enjoys his power. This is because Vader’s power is not bound by any limits. Vader Quick on His Feet, Bush Not so Much Darth Vader even as a youngster known to be Anakin Skywalker has always been quick on his feet. His reflexes during his time were comparable to no one. Bush on the other hand has admitted that he might not be as quick on his feet than most people. This is reflected on the way Darth Vader and President Bush makes decisions. Darth Vader is ruthless and quick on making decisions. President Bush has apparently a considerable amount of thinking time before he can make a decision. This spells a very different effect of their leadership. Darth Vader being quick on his feet can easily command his subordinates and they follow him without question. The delay on the decision making however of President Bush spells a different story because of such his subordinates may not follow him right away and might even question his decisions. Bush Democracy, Vader Dictatorship The most important difference between these two personalities however lie in the fact that Bush leads through a democratic structure while Vader in every sense of the word is a dictator. This brings us to the question which kind of structure is more effective is it the democratic structure or the dictatorship? Dictatorship brings obedience, order and an unquestionable authority. Democracy however gives freedom for every individual. It is submitted that both structures have their advantages and disadvantages. It is further submitted however that ruling a democratic structure like the task of President Bush is much more difficult than ruling in a dictatorship like Darth Vader. In an article in the LA Times President Bush advocated this democracy as the article said: â€Å"President Bush made good Thursday on his inaugural vow to push for democracy around the world. †(Cited in: Bush Democracy Vows May Take Time to Bear Fruit by: Sonni Efron) Conclusion The similarities and the differences between the two personalities having been discussed we now proceed to the realizations this paper has to offer. George Bush and Darth Vader are two very different personalities. In fact one lives in the real world while one finds existence in a fictional movie. They are both leaders, they are both powerful and they are both perceived by many as leaders. On the other hand they differ on their rise to power, quickness in decisions and the structure where they lead. The most important thing we have to realize out of this comparison is the simple fact that Darth Vader’s story has already been told while George Bush’s story is still unraveling. This only means that we can learn from what happened to Darth Vader and necessarily imbue it with the unraveling of the story of George Bush. This will give us a reasonable conclusion on how George Bush’s story will end. The relevance of knowing how George Bush’s story will end is that if we are aware of the end then we can prepare for this end that we foresee. Works Cited †¢ Michelle Drum, The Saga Journal †¢ Two Sided Coin for Bush: Villain and Hero By Cathy Gill, December 29, 2006 †¢ Breathing Life into Vader by Mike Snider, April 22, 2005 †¢ Bush Democracy Vows May Take Time to Bear Fruit by: Sonni Efron, February 25, 2005
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